- cultellus
- cultellus cultellus, i m бритва
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
CULTELLUS — inter arma bellica, memoratur Rigordo, A. C. 1214. Habebant cultellos longos, graciles, triacumines, quôlibet acumine indifferenter secantes a cuspide usque ad manubrium, quibus utebantur milites pro gladiis. Gall. coustille vulgo. Unde… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
cultellus — n.; pl. li [L. cultellus, knife] 1. A sharp knife like organ. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) a. The blade like lancets of certain blood sucking flies. b. Has been used for mandibles … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
cultellus — /kul tel euhs/, n., pl. cultelli / tel uy/. Zool. a sharp, knifelike structure, as the mouthparts of certain bloodsucking flies. [1895 1900; < L: dim. of culter knife, COLTER; for formation, see CASTELLUM] * * * … Universalium
cultellus — cul·tel·lus … English syllables
cultellus — … Useful english dictionary
couteau — [ kuto ] n. m. • 1316; coltel 1130; lat. cultellus, de culter → coutre 1 ♦ Instrument tranchant servant à couper, composé d une lame et d un manche. Couteau pointu. Manche de couteau en bois, en corne, en ivoire. La virole d un couteau. Lame de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cuchillo — (Del lat. cultellus < culter.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 Utensilio para cortar, formado por una hoja de acero con filo y un mango: ■ para pelar las patatas utilizaba un cuchillo corto. 2 coloquial Pieza, objeto o lugar de forma semejante a la… … Enciclopedia Universal
Pharidae — Taxobox name = Pharidae image width = 250px regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Bivalvia ordo = Veneroida familia = Pharidae H. Adams and A. Adams, 1858 subdivision ranks = Genera subdivision = See text.Pharidae is a family of clams… … Wikipedia
Pharidae — Ensis sp … Wikipédia en Français
couteau — /kooh toh /, n., pl. couteaux / tohz /; Fr. / toh /. a knife, esp. a large double edged one formerly carried as a weapon. [1670 80; < F; OF coutel < L cultellus; see CULTELLUS] * * * … Universalium
cutlass — /kut leuhs/, n. a short, heavy, slightly curved sword with a single cutting edge, formerly used by sailors. Also, cutlas. [1585 95; earlier coutelace < MF coutelas, equiv. to coutel knife (F couteau) ( < L cultellus; see CULTELLUS) + as aug.… … Universalium