- conjunx
- conjunx conjunx, jugis m, f супруг, супруга
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
piissima regina conjunx divi imperatoris — The most pious queen consort of the sacred emperor. See 1 Bl Comm 218 … Ballentine's law dictionary
con — I. transitive verb (conned; conning) Etymology: Middle English connen to know, learn, study, alteration of cunnen to know, infinitive of can more at can Date: 13th century 1. to commit to memory 2. to study or examine closely II. variant of conn … New Collegiate Dictionary
William Petre — Sir William Petre (circa 1505 – 1572) was born in Devon in 1505 and educated as a lawyer at Exeter College, Oxford. He became a public servant, probably through the influence of the Boleyns, one of whom, George, he had tutored at Oxford and… … Wikipedia
Tibullus, Albius — ▪ Roman poet born c. 55 BC died c. 19 BC Roman poet, the second in the classical sequence of great Latin writers of elegiacs that begins with Cornelius Gallus and continues through Tibullus and Sextus Propertius to Ovid. Quintilian… … Universalium
conjugal — 1540s, from M.Fr. conjugal (13c.), from L. conjugalis relating to marriage, from conjunx (gen. conjugis) spouse, related to conjugare to join together, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + jugare to join, from jugum … Etymology dictionary
conjugal — /ˈkɒndʒəgəl / (say konjuhguhl), / dʒu / (say jooh ) adjective concerning husband and wife; marital. {Latin conjugālis, from conjunx husband or wife} –conjugality /kɒndʒəˈgæləti/ (say konjuh galuhtee), / dʒu / (say jooh ), noun –conjugally, adverb …
Weib — (s. ⇨ Frau). 1. A jüng Weib is wie a schön Vögele, was män muss halten in Steigele (Vogelbauer). (Jüd. deutsch. Warschau.) 2. A schämedig (schamhaftes) Weib is güt zü schlugen. (Warschau.) – Blass, 11. Weil es, um keinen Scandal zu machen, den… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
i̯eu-2, i̯eu̯ǝ-, i̯eu̯-g- — i̯eu 2, i̯eu̯ǝ , i̯eu̯ g English meaning: to tie together, yoke Deutsche Übersetzung: “verbinden” Note: probably as 1. i̯eu “vermengen” from “in Bewegung place” evolved; s. also i̯eu dhand i̯eu ni . Material: O.Ind. yáuti,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
conjugal — [kän′jə gəl] adj. [L conjugalis < conjunx, conjux, husband or wife < com , together + base akin to L jugum,YOKE, jungere,JOIN] of marriage or the relation between husband and wife; matrimonial; connubial conjugality [kän΄jə gal′ə tē] n.… … English World dictionary
con- — prefix assim. form of com before c, d, f, g, j, n, q, s, t, v, and sometimes before vowels. * * * I. see com II. combining form or cono Etymology: Greek kōn , kōno , from kōnos more at hone : cone … Useful english dictionary
Con. — 1. Conformist. 2. Consul. * * * con1 «kon», adverb, noun. –adv. against: »The two debating teams argued the question pro and con. –n. a reason against: »The pros and cons of a question are arguments for and against it. ╂[short for Latin contrā… … Useful english dictionary