- concavus
- concavus concavus, a, um вогнутый, впалый
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Cyrtophyllus concavus — Katydid Ka ty*did , n. (Zo[ o]l.) A large, green, arboreal, orthopterous insect ({Cyrtophyllus concavus}) of the family {Locustid[ae]}, common in the United States. The males have stridulating organs at the bases of the front wings. During the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
concave — [ kɔ̃kav ] adj. • 1314; lat. concavus, de cavus « creux » → 2. cave ♦ Qui présente une courbe, une surface en creux (⇒ biconcave). Surface, miroir concave. Moulure concave. ⇒ cavet. ⊗ CONTR. Bombé, convexe. ● concave adjectif ( … Encyclopédie Universelle
Acanthomyrmex — ? Acanthomyrmex … Википедия
concav — CONCÁV, Ă, concavi, e, adj. Care prezintă o scobitură; în formă de adâncitură. ♦ (înv.; despre formaţii militare) Dispus în semicerc. – Din fr. concave, lat. concavus. Trimis de gudovan, 26.04.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 Concav ≠ convex Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Raycraft Ranch killifish — Taxobox name = Raycraft Ranch killifish status = regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Cyprinodontiformes familia = Goodeidae subfamilia = Empetrichthyinae genus = Empetrichthys species = E. latos subspecies = E. l.… … Wikipedia
konkav — nach innen gewölbt * * * kon|kav [kɔn ka:f] <Adj.>: nach innen gewölbt /Ggs. konvex/: konkave Linsen. * * * kon|kav 〈Adj.; Opt.〉 nach innen gewölbt (Linse); Ggs konvex [<lat. concavus „hohlrund“; zu cavus „hohl“] * * * kon|kav… … Universal-Lexikon
Palaeospheniscus bergi — Taxobox name = Palaeospheniscus bergi status = fossil fossil range = Early Miocene regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Sphenisciformes familia = Spheniscidae subfamilia = Palaeospheniscinae genus = Palaeospheniscus species … Wikipedia
concave — Having a depressed or hollowed surface. [L. concavus, arched or vaulted] * * * con·cave kän kāv, kän . adj hollowed or rounded inward like the inside of a bowl * * * con·cave (kon kāvґ) [L. concavus] having a rounded, somewhat depressed… … Medical dictionary
cóncavo — (Del lat. concavus < cum, con + cavus, hueco.) ► adjetivo 1 GEOMETRÍA Que tiene la superficie más deprimida en el centro, respecto del punto desde el que se mira. ► sustantivo masculino 2 Parte o sitio que tiene la superficie cóncava. SINÓNIMO … Enciclopedia Universal
CALAMUS Syringias — CALAMUS Συριγγίας apud Theophrastum, Syringias, apud Plinium ubi supra, Calamus vero totus concavus, quem vocant Syringiam, utilissimus fistulis: in Indice eidem fistulatorius dicitur, De sagittariis et seriptoriis et fistulatoriis calamis. Sed… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Concave — Con cave (k[o^][ng]*k[=a]*v or k[o^]n ; 277), a. [L. concavus; con + cavus hollow: cf. F. concave. See {Cave} a hollow.] 1. Hollow and curved or rounded; vaulted; said of the interior of a curved surface or line, as of the curve of the of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English