- colligo
- colligo colligo, legi, lectum, ere делать вывод
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Colligo Contributor — Client for SharePoint Developer(s) Colligo Networks Stable release 4.2 / 2010 06 29 Operating system Microsoft Windows Type Collaboration Software … Wikipedia
List of Latin words with English derivatives — This is a list of Latin words with derivatives in English (and other modern languages). Ancient orthography did not distinguish between i and j or between u and v. Many modern works distinguish u from v but not i from j. In this article both… … Wikipedia
Internal reconstruction — is a method of recovering information about a language s past from the characteristics of the language at a later date. Whereas the comparative method compares variations between languages such as in sets of cognates under the assumption that… … Wikipedia
Sharepoint Offline Synchronization Comparison — Table of ComparisonOther Solutions*iOra for Sharepoint is a large scale solution with a corresponding higher price tag. * [http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/prophoto/synctoy.mspx Microsoft Sync Toy] External links* [http … Wikipedia
ԺՈՂՈՎԵՄ — (եցի.) NBH 1 0836 Chronological Sequence: Unknown date, Early classical, 5c, 6c, 8c, 11c, 12c, 13c ն. συνάγω congrego. Ի մի ժողով բերել կամ կոչել զբազմութիւն ցրուեալ. ʼի մի վայր հաւաքել զմարդիկ կամ զիրս. գումարել. կուտակել. ժողվել. ... *Ժողովեաց… … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)
List of places on Degrassi — This is a list of notable places seen and featured in the Degrassi universe. As the series occurs in Toronto, these places some fictional, some not are located in the aforementioned city. Contents 1 Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High 1.1… … Wikipedia
List of English words from Latin verb forms — A very large number of English words are derived from Latin verbs in one way or another. Many of these are derived directly from the stem of the Latin verb, such as English evoke from Latin ēvoc ō call out . Others are derived from the stem of… … Wikipedia
Geo-replication — systems improve the distribution of data across geographically distributed data networks. This enables improved end user experience of data heavy applications such as web portals. Geo replication can be achieved using software, hardware or a… … Wikipedia
Animagus — In diesem Artikel werden wichtige Begriffe aus den sieben Bänden der Harry Potter Romanreihe von Joanne K. Rowling beschrieben. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Menschen 1.1 Zauberer und Hexen 1.1.1 Reinblut 1.1.2 Halbblut … Deutsch Wikipedia
Auror — In diesem Artikel werden wichtige Begriffe aus den sieben Bänden der Harry Potter Romanreihe von Joanne K. Rowling beschrieben. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Menschen 1.1 Zauberer und Hexen 1.1.1 Reinblut 1.1.2 Halbblut … Deutsch Wikipedia
Begriffe der Harry-Potter-Romane — In diesem Artikel werden wichtige Begriffe aus den sieben Bänden der Harry Potter Romanreihe von Joanne K. Rowling beschrieben. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Menschen 1.1 Zauberer und Hexen 1.1.1 Reinblut … Deutsch Wikipedia