- cingo
- cingo cingo, cinxi, cinctum, ere окружать
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
cingo — çinko … Beypazari ağzindan sözcükler
Hotel Cingo — (Охрид,Македония) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 3 Abas Emin str., 6000 Охри … Каталог отелей
Živko Čingo — (also spelt Zivko Cingo and Zhivko Chingo) (13 August 1935 1987) Macedonian writer, born in Velgosti, Ohrid region. He studied literature at the University of Sts Cyril and Methodius (Kiril i Metodij), Skopje. He worked as a journalist and as… … Wikipedia
cingolas — cingõlas sm. (2) Šts žr. 2 cimbalas 1 … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
List of Latin words with English derivatives — This is a list of Latin words with derivatives in English (and other modern languages). Ancient orthography did not distinguish between i and j or between u and v. Many modern works distinguish u from v but not i from j. In this article both… … Wikipedia
The Great Water — Infobox Film | name =The Great Water caption =The Great Water poster director = Ivo Trajkov producer = writer = Zivko Cingo, Ivo Trajkov starring =Saso Kekenovski Maja Stankovska music = Kiril Dzajkovski cinematography = editing = distributor =… … Wikipedia
Family2.0 — Definition The term Family 2.0 refers to World Wide Web social network service that are tailored for families [cite web|title= Here come the Family 2.0 sites|publisher=cnet.com|date=2006 06 02|url=http://www.news.com/Here come the Family 2.0… … Wikipedia
Chilpancingo de los Bravo — Chilpancingo Escudo … Wikipedia Español
Cinxia — CINXIA, æ, ein Beynamen der Juno bey den Römern, nach welchem sie den Bräuten geneigt seyn sollte, wenn sie den ersten Hochzeitabend ihren Jungfrauengürtel ablegeten. Festus lib. III. p. 1144. Sie hat also ihren Namen von Cingo, ich umgürte, Voss … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
List of numbers in various languages — The following tables list the names and symbols for the numbers 0 through 10 in various languages and scripts of the world. Where possible, each language s native writing system is used, along with transliterations in Latin script and other… … Wikipedia
List of Macedonians (ethnic group) — This is a list of Macedonians ( mk. Македонци, Makedonci ), a modern South Slavic ethnic group. : For the unrelated people of ancient Macedonia, see ancient Macedonians and List of ancient Macedonians. Business *George Atanasoski *John Bitove… … Wikipedia