- caldarius
- caldarius caldarius, a, um тёплый
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Caudry — 50° 07′ 33″ N 3° 24′ 45″ E / 50.1258333333, 3.4125 … Wikipédia en Français
Caldera — Trichter; Erdfall; Kessel; Vulkantrichter; Krater * * * Cal|de|ra 〈f.; , de|ren; Geol.〉 durch Einsturz od. explosionsartigen Auswurf von Material entstandener Vulkankrater [span.; eigtl. „Kessel“] * * * Cal|de|ra, Kaldera, die; , …ren [span.… … Universal-Lexikon
Caldron — Cal dron (k[add]l dr[u^]n), n. [OE. caldron, caudron, caudroun, OF. caudron, chauderon, F. chaudron, an aug. of F. chaudi[ e]re, LL. caldaria, fr. L. caldarius suitable for warming, fr. caldus, calidus, warm, fr. calere to be warm; cf. Skr.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cauldron — Caldron Cal dron (k[add]l dr[u^]n), n. [OE. caldron, caudron, caudroun, OF. caudron, chauderon, F. chaudron, an aug. of F. chaudi[ e]re, LL. caldaria, fr. L. caldarius suitable for warming, fr. caldus, calidus, warm, fr. calere to be warm; cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cauldron — noun Etymology: Middle English, caudron, caldron, from Anglo French cauderon, diminutive of caldere basin, from Late Latin caldaria, from feminine of Latin caldarius used for hot water, from calidus warm, from calēre to be warm more at lee Date:… … New Collegiate Dictionary
List of Gnaphosidae species — This page lists all described species of the spider family Gnaphosidae as of June 18, 2008.Allozelotes Allozelotes Yin Peng, 1998 * Allozelotes dianshi Yin Peng, 1998 China * Allozelotes lushan Yin Peng, 1998 ChinaAmazoromus Amazoromus Brescovit… … Wikipedia
Synechococcus — Taxobox | name = Synechococcus image width = 200px image caption = TEM of Synechococcus regnum = Bacteria divisio = Cyanobacteria ordo = Synechococcales familia = Synechococcaceae genus = Synechococcus genus authority = Nägeli, 1849 subdivision… … Wikipedia
Synechococcus — Synechococcus … Wikipédia en Français
КАЛДАРИЙСКАЯ РУДА — (от лат. caldarium). Смесь из меди и цинка. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910. КАЛДАРИЙСКАЯ РУДА от лат. caldarium aes, от caldarius, накаливаемый, смесь из меди и цинка, изобретенная Лоосом в Берлине … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка
caldarium — /kal dair ee euhm/, n., pl. caldaria / dair ee euh/. (in an ancient Roman bath) a room having a hot bath. [1745 55; < L: n. use of neut. of caldarius of warming, equiv. to cal(i)d(us) warm (cal(ere) to be warm + idus ID4) + arius ARY; see IUM,… … Universalium
caldera — /kal der euh, kawl /, n. a large, basinlike depression resulting from the explosion or collapse of the center of a volcano. [1860 65; < Sp Caldera, name of a crater on Canary Islands, lit., cauldron < LL caldaria, n. use of fem. of caldarius of… … Universalium