- benignitas
- benignitas benignitas, atis f радушие
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
benignità — {{hw}}{{benignità}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Atteggiamento di simpatia, affabilità e sim.. 2 Indulgenza, clemenza … Enciclopedia di italiano
bénignité — [ beniɲite ] n. f. • XIIe; lat. benignitas « bonté » 1 ♦ Vx ou littér. Qualité d une personne bienveillante et douce. ⇒ bonté, douceur, mansuétude. 2 ♦ Caractère de ce qui est bénin, sans gravité. La bénignité d une maladie. ⊗ CONTR. Malignité,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ambitus — Ambitus, among ancient Romans, signified the act of suing, or making interest for candidates of offices.The candidates went about the city and into public places and assembles, to beg voices, which was called ambitus ; am in the ancient Latin,… … Wikipedia
benignidad — ► sustantivo femenino 1 Actitud amable, bienintencionada y carente de severidad. SINÓNIMO benevolencia 2 Actitud propicia e inclinada favorablemente hacia una persona. SINÓNIMO bienquerencia 3 Circunstancia de ser un clima suave o moderado. 4… … Enciclopedia Universal
CANDIDATI — I. CANDIDATI Graecis λευχείμονες, dignitas Palatina aeque ac militaris fuit, instituta a Gordiano Seniore. Hic enim selectos e Scholarium classe quosdam, ex iis, quos staturae proceritas ac forma commendaret, in peculiarem Scholam seu cohortem… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
БЛАГО — [греч. τὸ ἀγαθόν, τὸ εὖ, τὸ καλόν; лат. bonum, bonitas], конечный (предельный) предмет стремления человека, движение к к рому не нуждается в дальнейшем обосновании; в богословии одно из Божественных имен (см. Имя Божие). Как философская категория … Православная энциклопедия
Benignity — Be*nig ni*ty, n. [OE. benignite, F. b[ e]nignit[ e], OF. b[ e]nignet[ e], fr. L. benignitas. See {Benign}.] 1. The quality of being benign; goodness; kindness; graciousness. Benignity of aspect. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] 2. Mildness;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fruit of the Holy Spirit — The Fruit of the Spirit is a concept from the Christian New Testament of The Bible, specifically the Epistle to the Galatians chapter 5. Fruit is used to mean end product or harvest , and hence the passage describes what the writer expects to… … Wikipedia
Community of the Transfiguration — Sisters from the Community of the Transfiguration. Anglicanism portal … Wikipedia
Choralis Constantinus — The Choralis Constantinus is a collection of over 375 Gregorian chant based polyphonic motets for the proper of the mass composed by Heinrich Isaac and his pupil Ludwig Senfl. The genesis of the collection is a commission by the cathedral of… … Wikipedia
Dei patris immensa — For other similar letters, see Viam agnoscere veritatis. Dei patris immensa was a letter written by Pope Innocent IV to the Mongols (the Pope also wrote other letters to the Mongols, which are known as Cum non solum and Viam agnoscere veritatis) … Wikipedia