
benedictio benedictio, onis f благословение

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "benedictio" в других словарях:

  • BENEDICTIO — in V. Testam. elevatis manibus fiebat, uti legimus Levit, c. 9. v. 22. Tum attollens Aharon manus suas versus populum benedixit eu. Et quidem Pontifex sollennem in modum in Templo, in anniversario sacro, expressa cum nuncupatione sacratissimi… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Benedictio cerei — Der Diakon singt das Exsultet Das Exsultet (lat. „es jauchze“) ist das in der römisch katholischen und evangelisch lutherischen Liturgie vorzugsweise vom Diakon am Ambo gesungene Osterlob der Lichtfeier am Beginn der Osternacht. In ihm wird …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ARMORUM Benedictio — eorum nempe, qui in sacras expeditiones proficiscebantur, occurrit apud Honorium Augustodunensem l. 1. c. 181. Horum (Sacerdotum) officium est, Missas celebrare populum ad Missam vel nuptias vel arma vel peras, vel baculos, vel iudicia ferri et… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Celtic Rite — The term Celtic Rite is generally, but rather indefinitely, applied to the various rites used in Great Britain, Ireland, perhaps in Brittany, and sporadically in Northern Iberia, and in the monasteries which resulted from the Irish missions of St …   Wikipedia

  • The Celtic Rite —     The Celtic Rite     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Celtic Rite     This subject will be treated under the following seven heads:     I. History and Origin; II. Manuscript Sources; III. The Divine Office; IV. The Mass; V. the Baptismal Service; …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Mozarabic Rite — • The name Mozarabic Rite is given to the rite used generally in Spain and in what afterwards became Portugal from the earliest times of which we have any information down to the latter part of the eleventh century, and still surviving in the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • HIEROLOGIA Nuptialis — seu Benedictio, quae Sacrorum genus ab Hebraeis et Christianis, uti varia Sacra a Paganis, Nuptiis adhiberi solita est, magna cum religione. Et quidem, praeter sollennem Sponsalium benedictionem, deductioni in Thalamum seu ipsis Nuptiis, alia… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • bénédiction — [ benediksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • benedicion XIIIe; lat. ecclés. benedictio 1 ♦ Relig. Grâce et faveur accordées par Dieu. « Elle avait accueilli mon retour imprévu comme une bénédiction du ciel » (Loti). ♢ Fam. C est une bénédiction. ⇒ bonheur, chance. 2… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Altar Vessels — • The chalice is the cup in which the wine and water of the Eucharistic Sacrifice is contained Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Altar Vessels     Altar Vessels      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Altar (Catholicism) — High altar of St. Michael s Church, Munich. In the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, the altar is where the Sacrifice of the Mass is offered. Mass may sometimes be celebrated outside a sacred place, but never without an altar, or at least an… …   Wikipedia

  • Рыцарство — Р., как военное и землевладельческое сословие, возникло у франков в связи с переходом, в VIII в., от народного пешего войска к конному войску вассалов. Подвергшись воздействию церкви и поэзии, оно выработало нравственный и эстетический идеал… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

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