- belua
- belua belua, ae f животное
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
belua — (del lat. «bellŭa»; ant.) f. *Bestia. * * * belua. (Del lat. bellŭa). f. desus. bestia (ǁ animal cuadrúpedo). || 2. desus. bestia (ǁ animal de carga) … Enciclopedia Universal
belua — (Del lat. bellŭa). 1. f. desus. bestia (ǁ animal cuadrúpedo). 2. desus. bestia (ǁ animal de carga) … Diccionario de la lengua española
Belua — Infobox Settlement official name = Belua other name = native name = nickname = settlement type = motto = imagesize = image caption = flag size = image seal size = image shield = shield size = image blank emblem = blank emblem type = blank emblem… … Wikipedia
Belua — Original name in latin Belua Name in other language Belua State code ID Continent/City Asia/Makassar longitude 9.9337 latitude 124.3777 altitude 454 Population 0 Date 2012 10 08 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Aspidochelone — According to the tradition of the Physiologus and medieval bestiaries, the aspidochelone is a fabled sea creature, variously described as a large whale or sea turtle, that is as large as an island. The name aspidochelone appears to be a compound… … Wikipedia
Масдеваллия — ? Масдеваллия … Википедия
Dacian language — Dacian Spoken in Romania, northern Bulgaria, eastern Serbia; also (possibly): Moldova, SW Ukraine, eastern Hungary, southern Bulgaria, northern Greece, European Turkey, NW Anatolia (Turkey) Extinct probably by the 6th century AD … Wikipedia
Music of Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles — The music of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba is a mixture of native, African and European elements, and is closely connected with trends from neighboring countries like Venezuela and Colombia and islands like Puerto Rico, Cuba, Santo Domingo,… … Wikipedia
Aulus Didius Gallus Fabricius Veiento — was a Roman politician and an adept in the art of political survival. In AD 62, early in Nero s reign, he was impeached, while Praetor, as the author of Codicilli , mock wills which libelled priests and senators. During Domitian s reign he was… … Wikipedia
List of Caribbean folk music traditions — This is a list of folk music traditions, with styles, dances, instruments and other related topics. The term folk music can not be easily defined in a precise manner; it is used with widely varying definitions depending on the author, intended… … Wikipedia
List of Sparassidae species — This page lists all described species of the spider family Sparassidae as of May 18, 2008.Adcatomus Adcatomus Karsch, 1880 * Adcatomus ciudadus Karsch, 1880 PeruAnaptomecus Anaptomecus Simon, 1903 * Anaptomecus longiventris Simon, 1903 Ecuador *… … Wikipedia