- apparet
- apparet apparet, apparuit, apparere ясно
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Apparet id etiam cæco. — См. Это и слепой увидит … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
quod non apparet non est; et non apparet judicialiter ante judicium — /kwod non apaerat non est et non apaerat juwdishiyeylatar aentiy juwdish(iy)am/ That which appears not is not; and nothing appears judicially before judgment … Black's law dictionary
Quod non apparet non est, et non apparet judicialiter ante judicium — That which does not appear does not exist, and nothing appears judicially prior to judgment … Ballentine's law dictionary
cum in corpore dissentitur, apparet nullam esse acceptionem — /kam in korpariy dasentatar, apaerat nalam esiy aksepshiyownam/ When there is a disagreement in the substance, it appears that there is no acceptance … Black's law dictionary
lex non requirit verificari quod apparet curias — /leks non rakwirat vehrafakeray kwod apasrat kyuriyiy/ The law does not require that to be verified [or proved] which is apparent to the court … Black's law dictionary
cum in corpore dissentitur, apparet nullam esse acceptionem — /kam in korpariy dasentatar, apaerat nalam esiy aksepshiyownam/ When there is a disagreement in the substance, it appears that there is no acceptance … Black's law dictionary
lex non requirit verificari quod apparet curias — /leks non rakwirat vehrafakeray kwod apasrat kyuriyiy/ The law does not require that to be verified [or proved] which is apparent to the court … Black's law dictionary
Cum in corpore dissentitur, apparet nullam esse acceptionem — When there is a disagreement as to the substance of the thing, it appears that there is no acceptance. The maxim is one of the civil law, but holds good in the modern law of sales. Gardner v lane, 94 Mass (12 Allen) 39, 44. Cum in testamento… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Lex non requirit verificari quod apparet curiae — The law does not require that which is apparent to the court to be proved … Ballentine's law dictionary
Quia dominus rerum non apparet ideo cujus sunt incertam est — Where it is not apparent who is the owner of goods, on that account it is not certain whose they are … Ballentine's law dictionary
Quod non apparet non est — The fact not appearing is presumed not to exist. Shepherd v The Schooner Clara, 102 US 200, 202, 26 L Ed 145, 146 … Ballentine's law dictionary