- amplius
- amplius amplius шире
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
amplius — /aempliyas/ In the Roman law, more; further; more time. A word which the praetor pronounced in cases where there was any obscurity in a cause, and the judices were uncertain whether to condemn or acquit; by which the case was deferred to a day… … Black's law dictionary
amplius — /aempliyas/ In the Roman law, more; further; more time. A word which the praetor pronounced in cases where there was any obscurity in a cause, and the judices were uncertain whether to condemn or acquit; by which the case was deferred to a day… … Black's law dictionary
amplius — Among the Roman lawyers, giving more time for the hearing of a case, deferring the case … Ballentine's law dictionary
Homines amplius oculis, quam auribus credunt. — См. Не верь ушам, а верь глазам … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Quod satis est, cui contingit, nil amplius optet. — См. Тот и богат, кто нужды не знает … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Dives est, cui tanta possessio est, ut nihil optet amplius. — См. Тот и богат, кто нужды не знает … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
bis idem exigi bona fides non patitur; et in satisfactionibus non permittitur amplius fieri quam semel factum est — /bis aydam egzajay bowna faydiyz non paetatar; et in sabtasftekshiyownabas non parmitatar aempliyas faysray kwam semal fsktam est/ Good faith does not suffer the same thing to be demanded twice; and in making satisfaction [for a debt or demand]… … Black's law dictionary
consuetudo semel reprobata non potest amplius induci — /konswatyuwdow semal reprowbeyta non powtast asmpliyas ind(y)uwsay/ A custom once disallowed cannot be again brought forward [or relied on] … Black's law dictionary
illud, quod alteri unitur, extinguitur, neque amplius per se vacare licet — /ilad, kwod oltaray yuwnatar, akstirjgwatar, nekwiy aempliyas par siy vakeriy laysat/ That which is united to another is extinguished, nor can it be any more independent … Black's law dictionary
in satisfactionibus non permittitur amplius fieri quam semel factum est — /in sstasfskshiy own abas non parmitatar Eempliyas fayaray kwaem semal fsektam est/ In payments, more must not be received than has been received once for all … Black's law dictionary
bis idem exigi bona fides non patitur; et in satisfactionibus non permittitur amplius fieri quam semel factum est — /bis aydam egzajay bowna faydiyz non paetatar; et in sabtasftekshiyownabas non parmitatar aempliyas faysray kwam semal fsktam est/ Good faith does not suffer the same thing to be demanded twice; and in making satisfaction [for a debt or demand]… … Black's law dictionary