- aliquo
- aliquo aliquo куда-либо, в другое место
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Don Aliquo — Don Aliquo, Jr. (* 1960 in Pittsburgh) ist ein US amerikanischer Jazz Saxophonist (Tenor und Baritonsaxophon), Hochschullehrer und Bandleader. Aliquo wuchs in einer musikalischen Familie in den Suburbs von Pittsburgh auf; sein Vater ist der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pignore cum aliquo certare. — См. Биться об заклад … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Quasi aurum igni, sic benevolentia fidelis periculo aliquo perspicere potest. — См. Друг познается в несчастии … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Malum quidem nullum est sine aliquo bono. — См. Нет худа без добра … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
absque aliquo inde redendo — /aebskwiy selakwow indiy radendow/ Without reserving any rent therefrom; without rendering anything therefrom. A term used of a free grant by the crown … Black's law dictionary
oblatum furtum dicitur cum res furtiva ab aliquo tibi oblata sit, eaque apud te concepta sit — Theft is called oblatum when a thing stolen is offered to you by any one, and found upon you … Black's law dictionary
nemo unquam vir magnus fuit, sine aliquo divino afflatu — /niymow ankwam vir maegnas f(y)uwat, sayniy aelakwow davaynow afleyt(y)uw/ No one was ever a great man without some divine inspiration … Black's law dictionary
absque aliquo inde redendo — /aebskwiy selakwow indiy radendow/ Without reserving any rent therefrom; without rendering anything therefrom. A term used of a free grant by the crown … Black's law dictionary
oblatum furtum dicitur cum res furtiva ab aliquo tibi oblata sit, eaque apud te concepta sit — Theft is called oblatum when a thing stolen is offered to you by any one, and found upon you … Black's law dictionary
nemo unquam vir magnus fuit, sine aliquo divino afflatu — /niymow ankwam vir maegnas f(y)uwat, sayniy aelakwow davaynow afleyt(y)uw/ No one was ever a great man without some divine inspiration … Black's law dictionary
absque aliquo inde redendo — Without reservation of rent … Ballentine's law dictionary