- afflatus
- afflatus afflatus, us m вдохновение
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Afflatus — is a Latin term derived from Cicero (in On Divination ) that has been translated as inspiration. Cicero s usage was a literalizing of inspiration, which had already become figurative. Literally, inspiration, like afflatus, means to be blown into… … Wikipedia
Afflatus — Af*fla tus, n. [L., fr. afflare. See {Afflation}.] 1. A breath or blast of wind. [1913 Webster] 2. A divine impartation of knowledge; supernatural impulse; inspiration. [1913 Webster] A poet writing against his genius will be like a prophet… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
afflatus — (n.) miraculous communication of supernatural knowledge, 1660s, from L. afflatus a breathing upon, blast, from pp. of afflare to blow upon, from ad to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + flare to blow (see BLOW (Cf. blow) (v.1 … Etymology dictionary
afflatus — *inspiration, fury, frenzy … New Dictionary of Synonyms
afflatus — [ə flāt′əs, aflāt′əs] n. [L < pp. of afflare, to blow on < ad , to + flare, to blow < IE base * bhel : see BLADDER] inspiration or powerful impulse, as of an artist or poet … English World dictionary
Afflatus — Unter Inspiration (von lat.: inspiratio = Beseelung, Einhauchen von „spiritus“ = Leben, Seele, Geist) versteht man allgemeinsprachlich jene mentale Kraft, die neue Ideen hervorbringt. Der Begriff spielt sowohl im Kontext künstlerischen und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
afflatus — /euh flay teuhs/, n. 1. inspiration; an impelling mental force acting from within. 2. divine communication of knowledge. [1655 65; < L afflatus a breathing on, equiv. to af AF + fla (s. of flare to BLOW2) + tus suffix of v. action] * * * … Universalium
afflatus — noun A sudden rush of creative impulse or inspiration, often attributed to divine influence. No man was ever great without a touch of divine afflatus (Nemo igitur vir magnus sine aliquo adflatu divino umquam fuit. De Natura Deorum II.167) … Wiktionary
afflatus — Synonyms and related words: Apollo, Apollo Musagetes, Bragi, Calliope, Castilian Spring, Erato, Euterpe, Geist, Helicon, Hippocrene, Muse, Parnassus, Pierian Spring, Pierides, Polyhymnia, animating spirit, animation, animus, apocalypse, creative… … Moby Thesaurus
Afflatus — Af|fla|tus der; , <aus gleichbed. lat. afflatus> (veraltet) das Anhauchen [des göttlichen Geistes], göttliche Eingebung … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
afflatus — (ah FLAH tus) [Latin: a breathing on] An inspiration; an irresistible understanding that comes into the mind as a fresh breeze. He goes at the canvas with all the afflatus of a silkworm eating its phlegmatic way across a mulberry leaf. Time … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases