- adjunctum
- adjunctum adjunctum, i n свойство, принадлежность
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
adjunctum — An adjunct, something united or connected with another thing … Ballentine's law dictionary
adjunctum accessorium — /ajaijktam aeksasoriyam/ An accessory or appurtenance … Black's law dictionary
adjunctum accessorium — /ajaijktam aeksasoriyam/ An accessory or appurtenance … Black's law dictionary
extincto subjecto, tollitur adjunctum — /akstigktow sabjektow tolstar ajarjktam/ When the subject [or substance] is extinguished, the incident [or adjunct] ceases. Thus, when the business for which a partnership has been formed is completed, or brought to an end, the partnership itself … Black's law dictionary
extincto subjecto, tollitur adjunctum — /akstigktow sabjektow tolstar ajarjktam/ When the subject [or substance] is extinguished, the incident [or adjunct] ceases. Thus, when the business for which a partnership has been formed is completed, or brought to an end, the partnership itself … Black's law dictionary
sublato principali, tollitur adjunctum — /sableytow prinsapeylay, tolatar ajanktam/ When the principal is taken away, the incident is taken also … Black's law dictionary
Extincto subjecto, tollitur adjunctum — The subject having become extinct, the adjunct or incident of it disappears … Ballentine's law dictionary
Sublato principali, tollitur adjunctum — By the removal of the principal thing, the adjunct is removed … Ballentine's law dictionary
adjunct — I. noun Etymology: Latin adjunctum, from neuter of adjunctus, past participle of adjungere Date: 1588 1. something joined or added to another thing but not essentially a part of it 2. a. a word or word group that qualifies or completes the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
List of Thomisidae species — See also the List of Thomisidae genera, which is sorted by subfamilies. This page lists all described species of the spider family Thomisidae as of June 18, 2008.Acentroscelus Acentroscelus Simon, 1886 * Acentroscelus albipes Simon, 1886 Brazil * … Wikipedia
Deans — can refer to: People Craig Deans, soccer player Diane Deans, politician Ian Deans, politician John Dixie Deans, soccer player Kathryn Deans, author Mickey Deans, fifth and last husband of Judy Garland Robbie Deans, rugby coach and former player… … Wikipedia