- adhaereo
- adhaereo adhaereo, haesi, haesum, ere прикреплённым быть
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Adhesion — The union of two opposing tissue surfaces (often in reference to the sides of a wound). Also refers to scar tissue strands that can form in the area of a previous operation, such as within the abdomen after a laparotomy. The word adhesion comes… … Medical dictionary
adherence — 1. The act or quality of sticking to something. SEE ALSO: adhesion. 2. The extent to which a patient continues an agreed upon mode of treatment without close supervision. Cf.:compliance (2), maintenance. [L. adhaereo, to stick to] immune a. the… … Medical dictionary
adhesivo — ► adjetivo 1 Que puede adherirse o pegarse: ■ cinta adhesiva. ► adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino 2 Se aplica a la sustancia que sirve para pegar dos superficies contiguas: ■ utilizó un adhesivo líquido. SINÓNIMO adherente ► sustantivo masculino 3… … Enciclopedia Universal
Birrel — This is an unusual and interesting name of French origin and is a diminutive (in the sense little ) of the Olde French b(o)vre , a type of coarse reddish brown wollen cloth with long hairs. Thus, the name is a metonymic occupational name for a… … Surnames reference
Borell — This is an unusual and interesting name of French origin and is a diminutive (in the sense little ) of the Olde French b(o)vre , a type of coarse reddish brown wollen cloth with long hairs. Thus, the name is a metonymic occupational name for a… … Surnames reference
Borrel — This is an unusual and interesting name of French origin and is a diminutive (in the sense little ) of the Olde French b(o)vre , a type of coarse reddish brown wollen cloth with long hairs. Thus, the name is a metonymic occupational name for a… … Surnames reference
Burrel — This is an unusual and interesting name of French origin and is a diminutive (in the sense little ) of the Olde French b(o)vre , a type of coarse reddish brown wollen cloth with long hairs. Thus, the name is a metonymic occupational name for a… … Surnames reference
Burrell — This is an unusual and interesting name of French origin and is a diminutive (in the sense little ) of the Olde French b(o)vre , a type of coarse reddish brown wollen cloth with long hairs. Thus, the name is a metonymic occupational name for a… … Surnames reference
Burril — This is an unusual and interesting name of French origin and is a diminutive (in the sense little ) of the Olde French b(o)vre , a type of coarse reddish brown wollen cloth with long hairs. Thus, the name is a metonymic occupational name for a… … Surnames reference
Burrill — This is an unusual and interesting name of French origin and is a diminutive (in the sense little ) of the Olde French b(o)vre , a type of coarse reddish brown wollen cloth with long hairs. Thus, the name is a metonymic occupational name for a… … Surnames reference
ԽԱՆՁԻՄ — I. (եցայ.) NBH 1 0921 Chronological Sequence: Unknown date կր. Տ. ԽԱՆՁԵՄ: II. ԽԱՆՁԻՄ 2 (եցայ.) NBH 1 0921 Chronological Sequence: Early classical, 8c, 11c, 13c ձ. ԽԱՆՁԻՄ προσκολλάομαι adhaereo. գրի եւ ԽԱՆԾԻԼ. Առ բորբոքման ախտի՝ ստէպ եւ անսանձ… … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)