Смотреть что такое "zizyphum" в других словарях:
jujube — [ ʒyʒyb ] n. m. • jajube 1256; altér. lat. zizyphum, gr. zizuphon 1 ♦ Fruit du jujubier. 2 ♦ Pâte extraite de ce fruit (remède contre la toux). ● jujube nom masculin (latin zizyphum, du grec dzidzuphon) Fruit du jujubier, drupe rouge à maturité,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Jujube — Ju jube (j[=u] j[ u]b), n. [F., fr. L. zizyphum, Gr. zi zyfon, Per. z[=i]zf[=u]n, zizaf[=u]n, zayzaf[=u]n.] 1. The sweet and edible drupes (fruits) of several Mediterranean and African species of small trees, of the genus {Zizyphus}, especially… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Jujube paste — Jujube Ju jube (j[=u] j[ u]b), n. [F., fr. L. zizyphum, Gr. zi zyfon, Per. z[=i]zf[=u]n, zizaf[=u]n, zayzaf[=u]n.] 1. The sweet and edible drupes (fruits) of several Mediterranean and African species of small trees, of the genus {Zizyphus},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zizyphus jujuba — Jujube Ju jube (j[=u] j[ u]b), n. [F., fr. L. zizyphum, Gr. zi zyfon, Per. z[=i]zf[=u]n, zizaf[=u]n, zayzaf[=u]n.] 1. The sweet and edible drupes (fruits) of several Mediterranean and African species of small trees, of the genus {Zizyphus},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zizyphus Lotus — Jujube Ju jube (j[=u] j[ u]b), n. [F., fr. L. zizyphum, Gr. zi zyfon, Per. z[=i]zf[=u]n, zizaf[=u]n, zayzaf[=u]n.] 1. The sweet and edible drupes (fruits) of several Mediterranean and African species of small trees, of the genus {Zizyphus},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zizyphus mucronata — Jujube Ju jube (j[=u] j[ u]b), n. [F., fr. L. zizyphum, Gr. zi zyfon, Per. z[=i]zf[=u]n, zizaf[=u]n, zayzaf[=u]n.] 1. The sweet and edible drupes (fruits) of several Mediterranean and African species of small trees, of the genus {Zizyphus},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zizyphus vulgaris — Jujube Ju jube (j[=u] j[ u]b), n. [F., fr. L. zizyphum, Gr. zi zyfon, Per. z[=i]zf[=u]n, zizaf[=u]n, zayzaf[=u]n.] 1. The sweet and edible drupes (fruits) of several Mediterranean and African species of small trees, of the genus {Zizyphus},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
jujube — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin jujuba, alteration of Latin zizyphum, from Greek zizyphon Date: 14th century 1. a. an edible drupaceous fruit of any of several trees (genus Ziziphus) of the buckthorn family; especially one of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
jujube — (ju ju b ) s. f. Fruit du jujubier, qui consiste en un noyau et une enveloppe pulpeuse. Les jujubes sont employées en pharmacie comme pectorales et adoucissantes. S. m. Le jujube, le suc extrait de la jujube. Pâte de jujube, préparation qui … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
jujube — (n.) late 14c., date like fruit from a tree found in Asia, from M.L. jujuba (pl.), from L.L. zizyphum, from zizyphus, an Asiatic tree with datelike fruit, from Gk. zizyphon, from Pers. zayzafun. The meaning soft candy with date like flavor first… … Etymology dictionary
jujube — /ˈdʒudʒub/ (say joohjoohb) noun 1. the edible plum like fruit of any of certain trees of the genus Zizyphus, especially Z. jujuba, originally native to China. 2. any tree producing this fruit. 3. → jube2. {French, from Medieval Latin jujuba, from …