Смотреть что такое "Zerynthius" в других словарях:
Zerynthus — was a town of the Apsynthii, in Thrace that is the site of Zerynthius, a temple of Apollo, and Zerynthia, a cave sacred to Hecate.http://www.ancientlibrary.com/gazetteer/0378.html … Wikipedia
Papilio cynorta — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum … Wikipedia
ZERYNTHUS — urbs et antrum Hecates in Samothracia; Canis antrum Lycophroni. Inde Zerynthius adiectiv. Ovid. l. 1. Trist. El. 9. v. 19. Inde levi vento Zerynthia litora nactis Threiciam tetigit fessa carina Samon. Lycophr. ἄντρον τῆς κυνοσφαγοῦς θεᾶς ὃ ἔςτι… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale