- xenium
ī n. (греч.) (преим. pl.)1) ксений, подарок гостю Vtr, PJ, M; подношение, дар Dig, PJ2) pl. название XIII книги эпиграмм Марциала
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Xenium — Xe ni*um, n.; pl. {Xenia}. [L., from Gr. xe nion gift to a guest, fr. xe nos guest.] (Class. Antiq.) A present given to a guest or stranger, or to a foreign ambassador. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Xenium Village — (Каннителло,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via Petrello Divale, 89019 Каннителло, Италия … Каталог отелей
xenium — xe·ni·um … English syllables
xenium — A present given to a guest … Grandiloquent dictionary
xenium — … Useful english dictionary
Xenia — Xenium Xe ni*um, n.; pl. {Xenia}. [L., from Gr. xe nion gift to a guest, fr. xe nos guest.] (Class. Antiq.) A present given to a guest or stranger, or to a foreign ambassador. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
List of fictional elements, materials, isotopes and atomic particles — This list contains chemical elements, materials, isotopes or (sub)atomic particle that exist primarily in works of fiction (usually fantasy or science fiction). No actual periodic elements end in ite , though many minerals have names with this… … Wikipedia
Dual SIM — A dual SIM phone. A dual SIM mobile phone is one which holds two SIM cards. Initially, dual SIM adapters were made available to use in regular mobile phones to allow them to contain two SIMs, and to switch from one to the other as required. This… … Wikipedia
Xenie — Xe|nie 〈[ njə] f. 19〉 1. 〈Antike〉 Gastgeschenk 2. 〈Rhet.〉 Sinnspruch; Sy Xenion 3. Spottgedicht [<grch. xenion, xenia „Gastgeschenke, gastl. Bewirtung; Gastfreundschaft“] * * * Xe|nie, die … Universal-Lexikon
Xenion — Xe|ni|on 〈n.; s, ni|en〉 = Xenie (2) * * * Xe|nie, die; , n (österr. nur so), Xe|ni|on, das; s, …ien [lat. xenium (Pl. xenia = Begleitverse zu Gastgeschenken) < griech. xénion = Gastgeschenk, zu: xénos = Gast] (Literaturwiss.): [satirisches]… … Universal-Lexikon
C/A/T — Infobox musical artist Name = C/A/T Img capt = C/A/T member Ben Arp. Img size = 300 Landscape = Background = group or band Alias = Origin = United States Genre = Industrial, Rhythmic Noise Years active = 1998 Present Label = Crunch Pod Associated … Wikipedia