- vulsus
1. a, um
part. pf. к vello2. adj.1) с выщипанными волосами, безволосый, безбородый Pl, Q, Prp; женоподобный (juvĕnis Hier)2) изнеженный, расслабленный (mens M)3) страдающий судорогами PM
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
List of Triaenonychidae species — This is a list of the described species of the harvestman family Triaenonychidae. The data is taken from Joel Hallan s Biology Catalog. Contents 1 Triaenonychinae 2 Kaolinonychinae 3 Nippononychinae 4 Para … Wikipedia
David Starr Jordan — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Jordan. David Starr Jordan est un pédagogue, un naturaliste et un … Wikipédia en Français
Wulfilaicus, S. — S. Wulfilaicus, Erem. Conf (21. Oct. al. 7. u. 17. Juli). Dieser Heilige wird gewöhnlich als Einsiedler im Bisthum Trier aufgeführt. Sein Name wird sehr verschieden geschrieben: Wulfilaicus, Ulfilaicus, Walfredus, Vulsus, Wolf, Vulfilaicus. Die… … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
divulse — /duy vuls , di /, v.t., divulsed, divulsing. Surg. to tear away or apart, as distinguished from cut or dissect. [1595 1605; < L divulsus (ptp. of divellere), equiv. to di DI 2 + vulsus plucked (ptp. of vellere)] * * * … Universalium
Avulsion — Tearing away. A nerve can be avulsed by an injury, as can part of a bone. * * * A tearing away or forcible separation. Cf.:evulsion. [L. a vello, pp. vulsus, to tear away] nerve a. the tearing away of a peripheral nerve at its point of origin… … Medical dictionary
convulsion — 1. A violent spasm or series of jerkings of the face, trunk, or extremities. 2. SYN: seizure (2). [L. convulsio, fr. convello, pp. vulsus, to tear up] benign neonatal convulsions a familial, self limited epilepsy … Medical dictionary
divulse — To tear away or apart. [L. divello, pp. di vulsus, to pull apart] * * * di·vulse (dĭ vulsґ) [L. divulsus, past part. of divellere to tear in pieces] to pull apart forcibly … Medical dictionary
evulsion — A forcible pulling out or extraction. Cf.:avulsion. [L. evulsio, fr. e vello, pp. vulsus, to pluck out] * * * evul·sion i vəl shən n the act of extracting forcibly: EXTRACTION <evulsion of a tooth> evulse i vəls vt, evulsed; evuls·ing * * * … Medical dictionary
revulsion — SYN: derivation (1). [L. revulsio, act of pulling away, fr. revello, pp. vulsus, to pluck or pull away] * * * re·vul·sion ri vəl shən n alleviation of a localized disease by treatment (as with counterirritants) of an adjacent region * * *… … Medical dictionary
vulsella, vulsellum — SYN: v. forceps. [L. pincers, fr. vello, pp. vulsus, to pluck] … Medical dictionary
FLAMINIUS Obeliscus — Princeps Obeliscorum, qui Romae visuntur, a proxima porta, vulgo Porta del Popolo, dictus, primo in Aegypto excisus ac Heliopoli erectus ab Senneferte Aegypti Rege, a vulsus inde a Caesare Augusto, et Romam translatus, in Circo Max. ab eo erectus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale