- vulnerabilis
vulnerābilis, e [ vulnus ]1) уязвимый (serpens Sen)2) ранящий (materia CA)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
vulnérable — [ vylnerabl ] adj. • 1676; lat. vulnerabilis, de vulnerare « blesser » 1 ♦ Qui peut être blessé, frappé par un mal physique. Endroit, point vulnérable. Ils « ne sont pas immunisés, ils sont vulnérables » (Duhamel) (⇒ fragile) . 2 ♦ (Abstrait) Qui … Encyclopédie Universelle
vulnerabil — VULNERÁBIL, Ă, vulnerabili, e, adj. Care poate fi rănit. ♦ fig. Care poate fi atacat uşor; care are părţi slabe, defectuoase, criticabile. ♢ Punct vulnerabil = parte slabă a cuiva; punct sensibil, punct nevralgic. – Din fr. vulnérable, lat.… … Dicționar Român
vulnerable — ► adjetivo Que puede ser herido, dañado o perjudicado: ■ es una persona muy vulnerable; la herida es vulnerable de infección. SINÓNIMO [atacable] sensible ANTÓNIMO invulnerable * * * vulnerable (del lat. «vulnerabĭlis») adj. Susceptible de ser… … Enciclopedia Universal
vulnerabel — empfänglich; anfällig * * * vul|ne|ra|bel 〈[ vul ] Adj.; Med.〉 verletzbar, verletzlich [zu lat. vulnerare „verwunden, verletzen“] * * * vul|ne|ra|bel <Adj.> [spätlat. vulnerabilis, zu lat. vulnerare = verwunden, verletzen, zu: vulnus =… … Universal-Lexikon
Vulnerable — Vul ner*a*ble, a. [L. vulnerabilis wounding, injurious, from vulnerare to wound, vulnus a wound; akin to Skr. vra?a: cf. F. vuln[ e]rable.] [1913 Webster] 1. Capable of being wounded; susceptible of wounds or external injuries; as, a vulnerable… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vulnerable — adjective Etymology: Late Latin vulnerabilis, from Latin vulnerare to wound, from vulner , vulnus wound; probably akin to Latin vellere to pluck, Greek oulē wound Date: 1605 1. capable of being physically or emotionally wounded 2. open to attack… … New Collegiate Dictionary
List of Thomisidae species — See also the List of Thomisidae genera, which is sorted by subfamilies. This page lists all described species of the spider family Thomisidae as of June 18, 2008.Acentroscelus Acentroscelus Simon, 1886 * Acentroscelus albipes Simon, 1886 Brazil * … Wikipedia
Виды рода Чистец — Приложение к статье Чистец Список видов, входящих в род Чистец (Stachys) Список составлен на основе данных сайта Королевских ботанических садов Кью[1] … Википедия
Vulnus — Vulnus, lat., Wunde; vulneratio, Verwundung; vulneratus, Verwundeter; vulnerabilis, verwundbar; vulnerans, Vulnerant, der Verwunder … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
vulnerable — vulnerability, vulnerableness, n. vulnerably, adv. /vul neuhr euh beuhl/, adj. 1. capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon: a vulnerable part of the body. 2. open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.: an argument … Universalium
Thomisus — sp … Wikipédia en Français