- vitiator
vitiātor, ōris m. [ vitio ]растлитель, совратитель (feminae Sen)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
vitiator — noun see vitiate … New Collegiate Dictionary
vitiator — See vitiable. * * * … Universalium
vitiator — n. one who damages; one who corrupts … English contemporary dictionary
vitiator — vi·ti·a·tor … English syllables
vitiator — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌād.ə(r), ˌātə noun ( s) Etymology: Latin, from vitiatus + or : one that vitiates … Useful english dictionary
Quando dispositio referri potest ad duas res, ita quod secundum relationem unam vitiator et secundum alteram utilis sit, tum facienda est relatio ad illam ut valeat dispositio — When a disposition can refer to two things, so that according to one relation it would be void, and according to the other it would be valid, then the relation must be made so that the disposition will be valid … Ballentine's law dictionary
vitiate — transitive verb ( ated; ating) Etymology: Latin vitiatus, past participle of vitiare, from vitium fault, vice Date: 1534 1. to make faulty or defective ; impair < the comic impact is vitiated by obvious haste William Styron > 2. to debase in… … New Collegiate Dictionary
vitiate — vitiation, n. vitiator, n. /vish ee ayt /, v.t., vitiated, vitiating. 1. to impair the quality of; make faulty; spoil. 2. to impair or weaken the effectiveness of. 3. to debase; corrupt; pervert. 4. to make legally defective or invalid;… … Universalium
vitiate — [ vɪʃɪeɪt] verb formal spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of. ↘destroy or impair the legal validity of. Derivatives vitiation noun vitiator noun Origin C16: from L. vitiat , vitiare impair … English new terms dictionary
alloy — n 1. compound, composite, hybrid, mongrel, amalgam; mixture, mix, combine, fusion, blend, coalescence, union, Bot. homogeny, Archaic. crasis; consolidation, conglomerate, agglomerate, aggregate; pinchbeck, sham, counterfeit, fake, imitation,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
traducer — n 1. maligner, defamer, calumniator, slanderer, libeler, misrepresenter, liar, Inf. hatchet man; vilifier, asperser, denigrator, smearer, backbiter; defiler, vitiator, blackener, besmircher, mud or dirt flinger. 2. impugner, impeacher, attacker,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder