Смотреть что такое "virago" в других словарях:
virago — [ virago ] n. f. • 1452; virage fin XIVe; mot lat. « femme qui a le courage d un homme » ♦ Femme d allure masculine, aux manières rudes et autoritaires. ⇒ dragon, gendarme. Cette « virago sèche comme une merluche qui dès le matin soufflette sa… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Virago — is a term that refers to a strong, brave, or warlike woman (from Latin vir a man , compare Tomboy). The term has also been used to refer to a noisy, bossy, and scolding woman. It is closely related to termagant, which is a quarrelsome, scolding… … Wikipedia
Virago — Virago, (lat. virago = eine männlich wirkende Jungfrau, auch eine Heldenjungfrau, Heldin; plur. Viragines) bezeichnet im Deutschen (in der gehobenen Umgangssprache) und Englischen – meist abwertend – ein junges „Mannweib“. Die „Heldenjungfrau“… … Deutsch Wikipedia
virago — virago, amazon, termagant, scold, shrew, vixen can all mean a woman of pugnacious temperament. Virago and amazon are often interchangeable; both tend to suggest physical vigor and size and often a masculine quality of mind or interests {viragoes… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
virago — virágo s. f. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic VIRÁGO s.f. (Liv.) Femeie cu statură, fire şi maniere de bărbat. [< fr., lat. virago]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 08.09.2004. Sursa: DN VIRÁGO s. f. femei cu statură, fire … Dicționar Român
Virago — Vi*ra go (?; 277), n.; pl. {Viragoes}. [L. virago, intis, from vir a man. See {Virile}.] 1. A woman of extraordinary stature, strength, and courage; a woman who has the robust body and masculine mind of a man; a female warrior. [1913 Webster] To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
virago — (o viragine /vi radʒine/) s.f. [dal lat. virago gĭnis, der. di vir uomo, maschio ] (pl. invar. o, rarissimo, viragini ). 1. (lett.) [donna dotata di forza e di arditezza virile: Camilla, La gran Volsca v. (A. Caro)]. 2. (fig., scherz.) [donna che … Enciclopedia Italiana
virago — (n.) late 14c., man like or heroic woman, from L. virago, from vir man (see VIRILE (Cf. virile)). Ælfric (c.1000), following Vulgate, used it in Gen. ii:23 (KJV = woman): Beo hire nama Uirago, þæt is, fæmne, forðan ðe heo is of hire were genumen … Etymology dictionary
virago — s. f. Mulher que tem estatura, voz e gestos considerados masculinos. ‣ Etimologia: latim virago, inis, mulher robusta, heroína, guerreira … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
virago — (Del lat. virāgo, ĭnis). f. Mujer varonil … Diccionario de la lengua española
Virāgo — (lat.), 1) Frau, welche sich durch Muth u. Tapferkeit als Mann beweist; 2) Mannweib … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon