
(habrotonum), ī n.
абротон, разновидность полыни (Artemisia Abrotonum, L) Lcr, H

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "abrotonum" в других словарях:

  • Abrotonum — (Greek: polytonic|Αβρότονον) was a Thracian harlot, who according to some accounts was the mother of Themistocles. [Citation last = Smith first = William author link = William Smith (lexicographer) contribution = Abrotonum editor last = Smith… …   Wikipedia

  • Abrotŏnum — (a. Geogr.), so v.w. Sabrata …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • ABROTONUM — I. ABROTONUM Africae urbs ad mare mediterraneum, Straboni et Plinio l. 5 c. 4. erica Syrtim. Stephanus ex Ephoro ait, eandem esse cum Neapoli, At in Strabone Neapolis est Leptis; tursus in Mela l. 1. c. 7. et Plinio, Neapolis, Abrotonum, et… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Artemisia abrotonum — Boy Boy, n. [Cf. D. boef, Fries. boi, boy; akin to G. bube, Icel. bofi rouge.] 1. A male child, from birth to the age of puberty; a lad; hence, a son. [1913 Webster] My only boy fell by the side of great Dundee. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] Note …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Themistocles — (Greek: polytonic|Θεμιστοκλῆς; c. 524 ndash;459 BC [Hornblower and Spawforth (1998) s.v. Themistocles. Secondary sources vary on the dates of birth and death. Other dates often given are 525/523 460 BC.] ) was an Athenian soldier and statesman.… …   Wikipedia

  • Eberraute — Eber|rau|te 〈f. 19; Bot.〉 südeurop. Korbblütler, dessen Kraut früher als schweiß u. harntreibendes Mittel verwendet wurde: Artemisia abrotanum; Sy Eberreis [<lat. abrotanum, volksetymologisch umgedeutet] * * * Eber|rau|te, die [volksetym.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • aurone — (ô ro n ) s. f. Nom vulgaire d une espèce du genre armoise, nommée aussi garde robe, s. f. et aurone des jardins (artemisia abrotonum, L.).    Aurone femelle, petit cyprès et garde robe, noms vulgaires de la santoline (voy. santoline). HISTORIQUE …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Boy — Boy, n. [Cf. D. boef, Fries. boi, boy; akin to G. bube, Icel. bofi rouge.] 1. A male child, from birth to the age of puberty; a lad; hence, a son. [1913 Webster] My only boy fell by the side of great Dundee. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] Note: Boy …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Boy bishop — Boy Boy, n. [Cf. D. boef, Fries. boi, boy; akin to G. bube, Icel. bofi rouge.] 1. A male child, from birth to the age of puberty; a lad; hence, a son. [1913 Webster] My only boy fell by the side of great Dundee. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] Note …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Boy's love — Boy Boy, n. [Cf. D. boef, Fries. boi, boy; akin to G. bube, Icel. bofi rouge.] 1. A male child, from birth to the age of puberty; a lad; hence, a son. [1913 Webster] My only boy fell by the side of great Dundee. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] Note …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Boy's play — Boy Boy, n. [Cf. D. boef, Fries. boi, boy; akin to G. bube, Icel. bofi rouge.] 1. A male child, from birth to the age of puberty; a lad; hence, a son. [1913 Webster] My only boy fell by the side of great Dundee. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] Note …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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