- victualia
- vīctuālia, ium n. [ victualis ]съестные припасы, продовольствие Vlg, Eccl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
non merchandizanda victualia — /non marchandazaenda viktyuweyl(i)ya/ An ancient writ addressed to justices of assize, to inquire whether the magistrates of a town sold victuals in gross or by retail during the time of their being in office, which was contrary to an obsolete… … Black's law dictionary
non merchandizanda victualia — /non marchandazaenda viktyuweyl(i)ya/ An ancient writ addressed to justices of assize, to inquire whether the magistrates of a town sold victuals in gross or by retail during the time of their being in office, which was contrary to an obsolete… … Black's law dictionary
victuaille — [ viktɥaj ] n. f. • 1502; vitaille 1138 (→ ravitailler), refait sur le lat.; bas lat. victualia, plur. neutre de victualis « relatif aux vivres », victus ♦ Vx (au sing.) Aliment. ♢ Mod. (au plur.) Provisions de bouche. ⇒ 2. vivres. « quelques uns … Encyclopédie Universelle
vitualla — (Del bajo lat. victualia.) ► sustantivo femenino 1 Conjunto de cosas necesarias para la comida, en especial en los viajes, excursiones y ejércitos: ■ dispusieron las vituallas necesarias para la travesía. SINÓNIMO [provisiones] víveres 2… … Enciclopedia Universal
victuailles — ● victuailles nom féminin pluriel (ancien français vitaille, du bas latin victualia, du latin classique victus, nourriture) Provisions alimentaires. ● victuailles (synonymes) nom féminin pluriel (ancien français vitaille, du bas latin victualia,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Viktualien — Nahrungsmittel; Lebensmittel; Esswaren; Nahrung; Essen * * * Vik|tu|a|li|en 〈[ vık ] Pl.; veraltet〉 Lebensmittel [<frz. victuaille „Esswaren, Lebensmittel, Mundvorrat“ <lat. victus „Unterhalt, Nahrung, Lebensweise, Lebensart“; zu vivere… … Universal-Lexikon
Vitalienbrüder — Vi|ta|li|en|brü|der 〈[ vi ] Pl.〉 Gruppe von Seeräubern um 1400, die urspr. im Auftrag der Hanse das von den Dänen belagerte Stockholm (1389 1392) mit Lebensmitteln versorgten, dann aber (bes. unter Klaus Störtebeker) eigenmächtig Handelsschiffe… … Universal-Lexikon
victuaille — (vi ktu â ll , ll mouillées, et non vi ktu â ye) s. f. 1° Provisions servant à la nourriture. • On donna arrêt de faire surseoir la conférence jusqu à l ouverture des passages, non seulement pour le blé, mais même pour toutes sortes de… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Victuals — Vict uals, n. pl. [OE. vitaille, OF. vitaille, F. victuaille, pl. victuailles, fr. L. victualia, pl. of. victualis belonging to living or nourishment, fr. victus nourishment, from vivere, victum, to live; akin to vivus living. See {Vivid}.] Food… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
victual — I. noun Etymology: Middle English vitaille, victuayle, from Anglo French, from Late Latin victualia, plural, provisions, victuals, from neuter plural of victualis of nourishment, from Latin victus nourishment, way of living, from vivere to live… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Victual Brothers — The Victual Brothers resp. Vitalians or Vitalian Brotherhood were a companionship of privateers who later turned to piracy. They were hired in 1392 by the Dukes of Mecklenburg to fight against Denmark, because the Danish Queen Margaret I had… … Wikipedia