- verutum
verūtum, ī n. [ veru ]короткое копьё, дротик Cs, Sl, L
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Verutum — Angaben Waffenart: Speer Verwendung … Deutsch Wikipedia
VERUTUM — teli apud Romanos genus. Glossae veteres Canumentum, verutum: interpretatur Iohannes Brodaeus, ad Antholog. l. 12. c. 12. Epigr. 17. Scylum aeneum, gnomonem, vericulum, Verutum, pinulam. Vide Sallustium, Histor. l. 3. Nonium, c. 18. num. 16.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Verutum — (en plural, veruti) es el término latino que utilizaban en la Antigua Roma para hacer referencia a una jabalina corta utilizada por el ejército romano. El verutum era utilizado por los vélites para labores de hostigamiento, en lugar del pilum más … Wikipedia Español
Verutum — The verutum, or plural veruti ( la. spit) was a short javelin used in the Roman army. This javelin was used by the velites for skirmishing unlike the heavier pilum used by the hastati and principes for softening the enemy before advancing into… … Wikipedia
Verutum — A lightweight javelin used by Roman soldiers. It had an oval shaped point and long steel shaft attached to a wooden shaft. It was designed to penetrate an enemy s shield, after which the steel shaft would bend. The extra weight made the enemy… … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
Javelin — For the athletic event, see Javelin throw. For other uses see Javelin (disambiguation) A javelin is a light spear designed primarily for casting as a ranged weapon. The javelin is almost always thrown by hand unlike the arrow and slingshot which… … Wikipedia
Equipo personal en el ejército romano — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El equipo personal en el ejército romano se caracterizó por haber sido producido en grandes cantidades y en serie, conforme a diseños ya establecidos y para que fuese utilizado de una forma concreta. Estos diseños y… … Wikipedia Español
ОРУЖИЕ — • Arma. I. У греков. Те части вооружения, какие в «Илиаде» указываются для героев Троянской войны, образуют основу вооружения и для позднейших гражданских ополчений. Последние состояли исключительно из тяжеловооруженных (όπλι̃ται) … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Pilum — The pilum (plural pila ) was a heavy javelin commonly used by the Roman army in ancient times. It was generally about two meters long overall, consisting of an iron shank about 7 mm in diameter and 60 cm long with pyramidal head. The iron shank… … Wikipedia
Spiculum — A spiculum is a late Roman spear that replaced the pilum at around 250AD as the infantryman s main throwing javelin. Scholars suppose that it could have resulted from the gradual combination of the pilum and two German spears, the angon and the… … Wikipedia
Hasta (spear) — Hasta is a Latin word meaning spear. Hastae were carried by early Roman Legionaries, in particular they were carried by and gave their name to those Roman soldiers known as Hastati. However, during Republican times, the hastati were re armed with … Wikipedia