Смотреть что такое "versicolor(i)us" в других словарях:
Versicolor — may refer to:* Brugmansia versicolor , a near threatened species * Calotes versicolor , an agamid lizard * Eleutherodactylus versicolor , a species of frog found in Ecuador and Peru * Ipomoea versicolor , an ornamental plant * Iris versicolor , a … Wikipedia
VERSICOLOR — Vestis, Meretricum apud Athenienses proptia, ex Lege memorata Suidae, τὰς ἑταίρας ἄνθινα φορεῖν, Meretrices floridas vestes indutae sunto. Artemidorus enim ποικίλαν et ἀνθηρὰν, versicolorem et floridam vocat, l. 2. c. 3. Γυναικὶ δὲ ποικίλη καὶ… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Versicolor — Ver si*col or, Versicolored Ver si*col ored, a. [L. versicolor; versare to change + color color.] Having various colors; changeable in color. Versicolor, sweet smelling flowers. Burton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
versicolor — |ô| adj. 2 g. Que tem variadas cores. = FURTA CORES, MATIZADO ‣ Etimologia: latim versicolor, oris … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Versicŏlor — (lat.), schillernd … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
versicolor — [vʉr′si kul΄ər] adj. [L < versare, to change (see VERSATILE) + color,COLOR] 1. having many colors; variegated 2. changing in color; iridescent … English World dictionary
versicolor — Variegated; marked by a variety of color. [L. particolored, fr. verso, to turn, twist, + color, color] * * * versicolor see PITYRIASIS VERSICOLOR, TINEA VERSICOLOR * * * ver·si·co·lor (vur″si kulґər) [L. vertere to turn + color] 1.… … Medical dictionary
versicolor — /verr si kul euhr/, adj. 1. changeable in color: versicolor skies. 2. of various colors; parti colored: a versicolor flower arrangement. Also, esp. Brit., versicolour. [1620 30; < L, equiv. to vers(us) ptp. of vertere to turn (see VERSE) + i I +… … Universalium
versicolor — versi̱|color [aus gleichbed. lat. versicolor]: die Farbe wechselnd, schillernd; vielfarbig; z. B. in der Fügung ↑Pityriasis versicolor … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
versicolor — adj. [L. versicolor, to change color] Having many colors; changeable in color … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
VERSICOLOR Linea — inter instrumenta Venationi inservientia, concludebat saltibus feras, vel terrebat apros, vulpes, lupos, ursos, et praecipue cervos: hinc Formido Latinis dicta est. Ovid. l. 5. Fastor. v. 173. Pavidos formidine cervos. In ea alternus plumarum,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale