- verbenae
verbēnae, ārum f. (sg. редко)«вербены», священные ветви (лавра, оливы, мирта, носившиеся при некоторых религиозных обрядах) C, V, L etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
VERBENA — quasi Herbena, i. e. Veneris vena, denotabat apud Veteres omnem herbam frondemque, quâ Arae coronabantur, Francisc. Gouldm. Giction. Lat. Angl. Iul. vero Caesar Scaliger, Poetices l. 1. c. 21. ubi de Ara Apollini in Comaediis statui solita, sic:… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Malva Alcea — Vervain Ver vain, n. [OE. verveine, F. verveine, fr. L. verbena, pl. verbenae sacred boughs of laurel, olive, or myrtle, a class of plants; cf. verbenaca vervain. Cf. {Verbena}.] (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Verbena. [1913 Webster] {Vervain… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vervain — Ver vain, n. [OE. verveine, F. verveine, fr. L. verbena, pl. verbenae sacred boughs of laurel, olive, or myrtle, a class of plants; cf. verbenaca vervain. Cf. {Verbena}.] (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Verbena. [1913 Webster] {Vervain mallow} (Bot … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vervain mallow — Vervain Ver vain, n. [OE. verveine, F. verveine, fr. L. verbena, pl. verbenae sacred boughs of laurel, olive, or myrtle, a class of plants; cf. verbenaca vervain. Cf. {Verbena}.] (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Verbena. [1913 Webster] {Vervain… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Podosphaera xanthii — Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Ascomycota Class: Leotiomycetes … Wikipedia
List of Mycosphaerella species — This is a list of fungi species belonging to the genus Mycosphaerella. The genus includes at least 10,000 species. Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z … Wikipedia
List of Phytoseiidae species — This is a list of the described species of the mite family Phytoseiidae. The data is taken from Joel Hallan s Biology Catalog.AmblyseiinaeAmblyseiinae Muma, 1961* Amblyseiella Muma, 1955:* Amblyseiella denmarki (Zaher El Brollosy, 1986):*… … Wikipedia
Verbena — Verbena … Wikipédia en Français
Comisión E — Las Monografías E de la Comisión de Alemania conocidas como Comisión E, es un guía terapéutica de plantas medicinales. Hay una traducción[1] al inglés hecha por la American Botanical Council. Actualmente consta de unas 380 monografías que evalúan … Wikipedia Español
Verbena officinalis — ? Вербена лекарственная Вербена лекарственная Научная классификация Царство: Растения … Википедия
Вербена лекарственная — ? Вербена лекарственная Вер … Википедия