- Veneticus
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Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
James of Venice — [Giacomo da Venezia, Jacobus Veneticus Grecus, Jacobus Clericus de Venetia, Jacobus de Venetiis.] was a significant translator of Aristotle of the twelfth century. He has been called the first systematic translator of Aristotle since Boethius . [ … Wikipedia
Jacques de Venise — (fl. deuxième quart du XIIe siècle mort après 1147) est un clerc et canoniste vénitien surtout connu pour ses traductions d Aristote, dans l important mouvement de traductions latines de l époque. Sept siècles après Boèce, il est l un des… … Wikipédia en Français
Venetic — noun Etymology: Latin veneticus of the Veneti, from Veneti Date: 1902 the language of the ancient Veneti of Italy see Indo European languages table • Venetic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Sinus — (lat.), 1) jede gebogene, halbrunde Fläche od. Vertiefung; bes. 2) der Bausch der Toga (s.d.); 3) Meerbusen, Bucht, Bai. Ihre Namen erhielten sie von Vorgebirgen, Städten, Ländern, in u. bei denen sie lagen, z.B. S. Gallicus, Veneticus, Maliacus … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Venetic — /veuh net ik/, n. an Indo European language of NE Italy, possibly belonging to the Italic branch, known from inscriptions from the 4th to 2nd centuries B.C. [1875 80; < L Veneticus, equiv. to Venet(i) the Veneti + icus IC] * * * … Universalium
βενέτικος — Ποταμός του νομού Γρεβενών. Δεξιός παραπόταμος του Αλιάκμονα, πηγάζει από τις πλαγιές της Πίνδου, ρέει ΒΑ και συμβάλλει στον Αλιάκμονα Ν του οικισμού Αγάπη. Ο παραπόταμος του Αλιάκμονα, Βενέτικος. * * * (I) η, ο και βενετικός, ή, ό (Μ βενέτικος,… … Dictionary of Greek
beneški — bèneškī prid. DEFINICIJA koji je iz Julijske Krajine [beneški Slovenci] SINTAGMA Beneška Slovenija geogr. regija u SI Italiji, u sastavu pokrajine Furlanija Julijska Krajina, o. 500 km2, o. 60.000 stan., pretežno Slovenaca ETIMOLOGIJA od Beneci … Hrvatski jezični portal
Venetic — [və net′ik] n. [< L Veneticus, of the Veneti, after Veneti, a people living in VENETIA] an extinct Italic language known through about 200 short inscriptions … English World dictionary
venetic — I. və̇ˈned.]ik, et], ]ēk adjective Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Latin veneticus, from Veneti + Latin icus ic : of or relating to the ancient Veneti of Italy or their language II. noun ( s) … Useful english dictionary
Ve|net|ic — «vuh NEHT ihk», noun, adjective. –n. an ancient Indo European language of northeastern Italy, regarded by some scholars as an Italic dialect, known only from inscriptions dating from the 400 s B.C. to the 100 s B.C. –adj. of or having to do with… … Useful english dictionary