VELLUS — Aureum, cuius desideriô ardens Iason, illustre Thessaliae suae sidus, Colchidem, non sine periculo cum Argonautis ingressus est, illôque tandem, magnos post labores exantlatos, potitus, domum rediit, a variis varie exponitur. Georg. Hornius, Hist … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Vellus — Vẹllus [aus lat. vellus = Wolle; Pelz] s; , Vẹllera: „Vlies“, weiße Substanz, die den ↑Nucleus dentatus des Kleinhirns fellartig umgibt (Anat.) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Vellus — vilna statusas T sritis embriologija atitikmenys: lot. Vellus ryšiai: platesnis terminas – plaukai … Medicininės histologijos ir embriologijos vardynas
VELLUS Aureum — Ordo Equestris institutus a Philippo Bono, Burgundiae Duce, in vuptiis cum Isabella Lusitanica, Brugis Plandriae celebratis, A. C. 1429. Numerus equitum primo erat 24. dein ad 31. excrevit, ipse Dux Caput et Magnus Ordinis Magister fuit, quam… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
vellus hair — /vel əs hār/ noun Short fine unpigmented hair covering the human body ORIGIN: L vellus, eris fleece … Useful english dictionary
Vellus hair — is short, fine, peach fuzz body hair. It is a very soft and short hair that grows in most places on the human body in both sexes, such as the face and back. It is usually less than 2 mm long and the follicles are not connected to sebaceous glands … Wikipedia
vellus hair — vellus (def. 1) … Medical dictionary
vellus hair cyst — eruptive vellus hair c … Medical dictionary
vellus hypertrichosis — 1. hypertrichosis with vellus hair. 2. h. lanuginosa … Medical dictionary
vellus — vel·lus (vĕlʹəs) n. The fine hair present on the body before puberty. [Latin, wool.] * * * … Universalium
vellus — 1. Fine nonpigmented hair covering most of the body. 2. A structure that is fleecy or soft and woolly in appearance. [L. fleece] v. olivae inferioris a stratum of nerve fibers surrounding the inferior olive. * * * n. the fine hair that occurs on… … Medical dictionary