- avols-
āvols- v. l. = avuls-
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Cerverí de Girona — Cerverí de Gerona o Guillermo de Cervera (en catalán Guillem de Cervera) (1259? 1290?) fue un trovador vinculado en la casa real aragonesa (Jaime I de Aragón y Pedro III de Aragón). Aunque en la actualidad se cree que se trata del mismo trovador … Wikipedia Español
Guillaume IX — (William IX, duke of Aquitaine, seventh count of Poitiers) (1071–1127) At the age of 15 Guillaume IX ruled an area greater than that of the king of France.He was excommunicated for his promiscuous personal life, and was defeated soundly in his … Encyclopedia of medieval literature