UXORIUS — inter poemata gordiani Senioris Imperatoris memoratur Capitolino in Gordianis. c. 3. Adolescens cum esset poemata scripsit et cuncta illa, quae Cicero ex Demetrio et Arato, et Alcyonas et Uxorium et Nilum: quae quidem adhuc scripsit, ut Ciceronis … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Uxorius amnis. — См. Под башмаком … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Complejo uxorius — El complejo uxorius o complejo de uxorius, en Derecho de familia, designa al conjunto de tendencias normativas que llevan al legislador a dar a la mujer más derechos sobre la figura jurídica del matrimonio. Jean Carbonnier señalaba que las… … Wikipedia Español
ILIA — quae et Rhea, Numitoris Albanorum Regis filia, quam Amulius, pulso iam Numitore fratre, et interfecto eius fil. Lauso, Virginem Vestalem fecit, ut sub specie honoris spem partûs er adimeret. Verum cum illa aquam e Tyberi ad obeunda sacra peteret … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
uxorious — (adj.) excessively fond of or submissive to one s wife, 1590s, from L. uxorius of or pertaining to a wife, from uxor (gen. uxoris) wife, of unknown origin. Uxorial, relating to a wife or wives, is recorded from 1800 and sometimes is used in the… … Etymology dictionary
n — Uxorious Ux*o ri*ous, a. [L. uxorius, fr. uxor a wife.] Excessively fond of, or submissive to, a wife; being a dependent husband. Uxorious magistrates. Milton. [1913 Webster] How wouldst thou insult, When I must live uxorious to thy will In… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Uxooriously — Uxorious Ux*o ri*ous, a. [L. uxorius, fr. uxor a wife.] Excessively fond of, or submissive to, a wife; being a dependent husband. Uxorious magistrates. Milton. [1913 Webster] How wouldst thou insult, When I must live uxorious to thy will In… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Uxorious — Ux*o ri*ous, a. [L. uxorius, fr. uxor a wife.] Excessively fond of, or submissive to, a wife; being a dependent husband. Uxorious magistrates. Milton. [1913 Webster] How wouldst thou insult, When I must live uxorious to thy will In perfect… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Uxoriousness — Uxorious Ux*o ri*ous, a. [L. uxorius, fr. uxor a wife.] Excessively fond of, or submissive to, a wife; being a dependent husband. Uxorious magistrates. Milton. [1913 Webster] How wouldst thou insult, When I must live uxorious to thy will In… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
uxorial — adjective Etymology: Latin uxorius Date: 1800 of, relating to, or characteristic of a wife … New Collegiate Dictionary
uxorious — adjective Etymology: Latin uxorius uxorious, uxorial, from uxor wife Date: 1598 excessively fond of or submissive to a wife • uxoriously adverb • uxoriousness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary