Смотреть что такое "Unelli" в других словарях:
Unelli — (a. Geogr.), so v.w. Veneler … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
UNELLI — populi sunt inter Celtas ex maritimis civitatibus Oceanum attingentibus. Vulgo La pays du Perche … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Unelli — The Unelli or Veneli ( gr. Οὐένελοι) were one of the Armoric or maritime states of Gallia. ( B. G. ii. 34, iii. 11.) Caesar mentions them with the Veneti, Osismi, Curiosolitae, and other maritime states. The Unelli and the rest submitted to… … Wikipedia
УНЕЛЛЫ — • Unelli, правильнее, может быть, Venelli, племя в Арморике (н. Нормандии), у канала. Caes. b. g. 2, 34. 3, 17. 7, 75 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Lexovii — The Lexovii (polytonic|Ληξόβιοι, Strabo; polytonic|Ληξούβιοι, Ptol. ii. 8. § 2), were a Celtic people, on the coast of Gallia, immediately west of the mouth of the Seine. When the Veneti and their neighbors were preparing for Julius Caesar s… … Wikipedia
Curiosolitae — Map of the Gallic people of modern Britanny : Osismii … Wikipedia
Saint-Germain-sur-Ay — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Saint Germain. 49° 14′ 09″ N 1° 35′ 32″ W … Wikipédia en Français
Pueblos galos — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Galia y los pueblos galos La expresión pueblos galos designa a los pueblos protohistóricos de celtas que residían en la Galia, (Gallia en latín), es decir, aproximadamente en los territorios de las actuales … Wikipedia Español
Cotentin Peninsula — (also known as Cherbourg Peninsula) in Normandy The Cotentin Peninsula, also known as the Cherbourg Peninsula, is a peninsula in Normandy, forming part of the north western coast of France. It juts out north westwards into the English Channel,… … Wikipedia
Arverni — For the hazardous lakes, see Avernus. A map of Gaul in the 1st century BC, showing the relative position of the Arverni tribe … Wikipedia
List of Celtic tribes — This is a list of Celtic tribes and associated Celtic peoples with their geographical localization.Gaul (Transalpine) [ Gaul in the 1st century BC, showing the relative positions of the Celtic tribes.] Gaul is approximately modern Belgium, France … Wikipedia