Umbracŭlum — (lat.), 1) Sonnenschirm; 2) Hütte, Laube, zum Schutz gegen die Sonnenhitze; 3) (Bot.), häutiger, die Fruchtträger mancher Moose umschließender, unter der Kapsel umschließender, bei den Marchantien das Stielchen bedeckender u. die… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
UMBRACULUM — Graece Σκιάδιον, pro Umbella. Ovid. Fastor. l. 3. v. 311. Aurea pellebant rapidos Umbracula Soles, Quae tamen Herculeae sustinuêre manus. Ubi Neapolitanusdocet, e pellibus aliaque qualibet materia divite, fieri consuevisse. Vide supra in voce… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Umbraculum — Coat of arms during the sede vacante featuring an umbracullum For the mollusc genus, see Umbraculum (gastropod). The Umbraculum (Italian: Ombrellino, little umbrella ) is a historic piece of the papal regalia and insignia, once used on a daily… … Wikipedia
Umbraculum — Padiglione (eines der Insignien einer Basilica minor) Der Padiglione (auch Umbraculum (Latein), Ombrellino (Italienisch) oder Conopeum genannt) ist ein gelb rot gestreifter, kegelförmiger Seidenschirm, ursprünglich zum Schutz der Priester und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Umbraculum (genus) — Taxobox name = Umbraculum image width = image caption = regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Gastropoda subclassis = Orthogastropoda superordo = Heterobranchia ordo = Opisthobranchia subordo = Notaspidea infraordo = Neogastropoda familia … Wikipedia
Umbraculum sinicum — Taxobox name = Umbraculum sinicum regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Gastropoda subclassis = Orthogastropoda superordo = Heterobranchia ordo = Opisthobranchia subordo = Notaspidea infraordo = Neogastropoda familia = Umbraculidae genus … Wikipedia
Umbraculum sinicum — Umbraculum sinicum … Wikipedia Español
umbraculum — umbracˈulum noun An umbrella shaped structure • • • Main Entry: ↑umbra … Useful english dictionary
Polymastia umbraculum — Taxobox name = Polymastia umbraculum regnum = Animalia phylum = Porifera classis = Demospongiae ordo = Hadromerida familia = Polymastiidae genus = Polymastia species = P. umbraculum binomial = Polymastia umbraculum binomial authority = Kelly… … Wikipedia
Umbrella — Parasol redirects here. For other uses, see Umbrella (disambiguation), Umbrella (song) or Parasol (disambiguation) An umbrella or parasol (sometimes colloquially, gamp, brolly, or bumbershoot) is a canopy designed to protect against precipitation … Wikipedia
Jan Fabre — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Fabre. Jan Fabre (à droite) Jan Fabre est né en 1958 à Anvers en Belgique, où il vit et travaille. Il est à la fois … Wikipédia en Français