Смотреть что такое "ulterius" в других словарях:
ulterius concilium — Further consideration or argument … Ballentine's law dictionary
actio non ulterius — /aekshiyow non altiriyas/ In English pleading, a name given to the distinctive clause in the plea to the further maintenance of the action, introduced in place of the plea puis darrein continuance; the averment being that the plaintiff ought not… … Black's law dictionary
actio non ulterius — /aekshiyow non altiriyas/ In English pleading, a name given to the distinctive clause in the plea to the further maintenance of the action, introduced in place of the plea puis darrein continuance; the averment being that the plaintiff ought not… … Black's law dictionary
sic ulterius — See et sic ulterius … Ballentine's law dictionary
et sic ulterius — /et sik altiriyas/ And so on; and so further; and so forth … Black's law dictionary
et sic ulterius — /et sik altiriyas/ And so on; and so further; and so forth … Black's law dictionary
Actio non ulterius — A plea addressed to the further maintenance of the action … Ballentine's law dictionary
et sic ulterius — And so further; and so forth … Ballentine's law dictionary
ult. obs. — ulterius observandum нуждающийся (вид) в дальнейшем наблюдении … Latin abbreviations in biology
Theodor Christoph Lilienthal — (* 8. Oktober 1717 in Königsberg; † 7. März 1781 ebenda) war ein deutscher lutherischer Theologe. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Rezeption nach Erbkam/Döring 3 W … Deutsch Wikipedia
BOS — animal et ad agriculturam utile est, vide supra, ubi de Aratro: et homini in cibum cedit. Apud Athenienses tamen Bove vesci aratore nefas: ut constat ex Aeliano, Var. Histor. l. 3. c. 14. et Varrone l. 2.R. R. c. 5. ubi hic, Bos, inquit, socius… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale