
Ubiī, ōrum m.
убии, германск. племя, жившее на правом берегу Рейна, дружественное Цезарю и, в силу этого, враждебное прочим германск. племенам; при Августе они были переселены на левый берег Рейна, а впоследствии (в 50 г. н. э.) их главн. город был переименован в Colonia Agrippina (ныне Кёльн) Cs, T

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Ubii" в других словарях:

  • UBII — populi Germaniae inferioris versus Rhenum, qui et Agrippinenses, quorum exstat adhuc pagus Ubich in territorio Iuliacensi, teste Orteliô. Quasi Uvii, i. e. Ripenses. Vel a Germanico Uber, quod transitum notat. Horum praecipuae Urbes, Colonia… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Ubii — The Ubii were a Germanic tribe first encountered dwelling on the right bank of the Rhine in the time of Julius Caesar, who formed an alliance with them in 55 BC in order to launch attacks across the river. They were transported in 39 BC by Marcus …   Wikipedia

  • УБИИ —    • Ubĭi,          Ο ύβιοι, германское племя, пользовавшееся ненавистью всех прочих германцев за свою дружбу с Цезарем (Caes. b. g. 1, 54. 4, 3. 16. 7, 13). Они жили на правом берегу Рейна от реки Лана до Кельна. При Августе они были переведены… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium — City of Cologne History Culture Mayors Demographics Districts Transport …   Wikipedia

  • Civitas Tungrorum — The Civitas Tungrorum was a large Roman administrative district. In the early days of the Roman empire it was in the province of Gallia Belgica, but it later joined the neighbouring lower Rhine river border districts, within the province of… …   Wikipedia

  • Germani cisrhenani — is a Latin term which refers to that part of the tribal people known as Germani who lived to the west of the Rhine river. Cisrhenane, the English form of the word, means this side of the Rhine . The opposite is transrhenane or that side of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Ubios — Los ubis (en latín, Ubii) fue una tribu germánica que se encuentra por vez primera habitando en la orilla derecha del Rin en tiempos de Julio César, quien forjó una alianza con ellos en el año 55 a. C. para lanzar ataques cruzando el río. Fueron… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Cugerni — The Cugerni (or Cuberni or Guberni) was a tribal grouping with a particular territory within the Roman province of Germania Inferior, which later became Germania Secunda. More precisely they lived near modern Xanten, and the old Castra Vetera, on …   Wikipedia

  • GERMANIA Inferior et ipsa Belgicae Galliae portio est — iuxta Rhenum fluv. a Mosella (qua a superior dividitur) usque ad Oceanum in Arctos porrecta: in qua ditio Trevirensis, Coloniensis, Iulia, Clivia, Geldriaque Ducatus, et Hollandia Comitatus computantur, Ferr. Baudr. Germania inferior antiquitus… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Cologne — Köln redirects here. For other uses, see Köln (disambiguation). This article is about the German city. For other uses, see Cologne (disambiguation). Köln Cologne Cologne Cathedral at nighttime …   Wikipedia

  • History of the Netherlands — This article is part of a series Early History …   Wikipedia

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