- Tyndareus
eī m.Тиндарей, сын Эбала, муж Леды, отец Кастора, Поллукса, Клитем(н)естры и Елены, царь Спарты C, O etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Tyndareus — Tyndareus, myth. König von Sparta, Gemahl der Leda, die von ihm den Kastor und die Klytemnestra, von Zeus den Pollux und die Helena gebar … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Tyndareus — [tin der′ē əs] n. [L < Gr Tyndareos] Gr. Myth. a king of Sparta, husband of LEDA … English World dictionary
Tyndareus — In Greek mythology, Tyndareus Τυνδαρεύς (or Tyndareos Τυνδάρεως ) was a Spartan king, son of Oebalus (or Perieres) and Gorgophone (or Bateia), husband of Leda and father of Helen, Polydeuces (Pollux), Castor, Clytemnestra, Timandra, Phoebe and… … Wikipedia
Tyndareus — noun Etymology: Latin, from Greek Date: 1513 a king of Sparta and husband of Leda in Greek mythology … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tyndareus — /tin dair ee euhs/, n. Class. Myth. the husband of Leda and father of Clytemnestra and Castor. * * * … Universalium
Tyndareus — /tin dair ee euhs/, n. Class. Myth. the husband of Leda and father of Clytemnestra and Castor … Useful english dictionary
(8125) Tyndareus — Asteroid (8125) Tyndareus Eigenschaften des Orbits (Animation) Orbittyp Jupiter Trojaner (L4) Große Halbachse 5,1605 AE … Deutsch Wikipedia
8125 Tyndareus — Infobox Planet minorplanet = yes width = 25em bgcolour = #FFFFC0 apsis = name = Tyndareus symbol = caption = discovery = yes discovery ref = discoverer = discovery site = discovered = , designations = yes mp name = 8125 alt names = 5493 T 2 mp… … Wikipedia
ТИНДАРЕЙ — • Tyndarěus, Τυνδάρεως, сын Периера и Горгофоны, брат Афарея, Левкиппа, Икария и Арены (Appolod. 1, 9, 5) или сын Ойбала и Батей, брат Гиппокоонта и Икариона (Appolod. 3, 10, 4). Будучи изгнан Гиппокоонтом из Спарты, он убежал с… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Menelaus — For other uses, see Menelaus (disambiguation). Menelaus In Greek mythology, Menelaus (Ancient Greek: Μενέλαος, Menelaos) was a legendary king of Mycenaean (pre Dorian) Sparta, the husband of Helen of Troy, and a central figure in the Trojan War … Wikipedia
Castor and Pollux — For other uses, see Castor and Pollux (disambiguation). Pair of Roman statuettes (3rd century AD) depicting the Dioscuri as horsemen, with their characteristic skullcaps (Metropolitan Museum of Art) In Greek and Roman mythology, Castor ( … Wikipedia