- truella
ae f. Dig = trulla 1.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
The Magical Monarch of Mo — (1898) is the first full length children s fantasy book by L. Frank Baum. Originally published in 1899 as A New Wonderland , the book was reissued in 1903 with a new title in order to capitalize upon the alliterative title of Baum s successful… … Wikipedia
truelle — [ tryɛl ] n. f. • XIIIe; bas lat. truella, class. trulla 1 ♦ Outil de maçon, de plâtrier, formé d une lame triangulaire ou trapézoïdale reliée à un manche par une tige coudée. Étendre le mortier avec une truelle. « Et le maçon m a dit : Prends la … Encyclopédie Universelle
τρυηλίς — ίδος, και δ.τ. τρύηλις, ήλιδος, ἡ, Α 1. εργαλείο κατάλληλο για ανακάτεμα, κουτάλα 2. (κατά τον Ησύχ.) (ο τ. τρυηλίς) «ζωμήρυσις». [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Η λ. είναι δάνεια από το λατ. trulla (< truella, υποκορ. τού trua «κουτάλα για ξάφρισμα») και έχει… … Dictionary of Greek
Fish trowel — Trowel Trow el, n. [OE. truel, OF. truele, F. truelle, LL. truella, L. trulla, dim. of trua a ladle; probably akin to Gr. ? a stirrer, ladle, G. quirl a stirrer, MHG. twirel, OHG. dwiril, Icel. [thorn]vara, AS. [thorn]wiril. Cf. {Twirl}.] 1. A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Trowel — Trow el, n. [OE. truel, OF. truele, F. truelle, LL. truella, L. trulla, dim. of trua a ladle; probably akin to Gr. ? a stirrer, ladle, G. quirl a stirrer, MHG. twirel, OHG. dwiril, Icel. [thorn]vara, AS. [thorn]wiril. Cf. {Twirl}.] 1. A mason s… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Trowel bayonet — Trowel Trow el, n. [OE. truel, OF. truele, F. truelle, LL. truella, L. trulla, dim. of trua a ladle; probably akin to Gr. ? a stirrer, ladle, G. quirl a stirrer, MHG. twirel, OHG. dwiril, Icel. [thorn]vara, AS. [thorn]wiril. Cf. {Twirl}.] 1. A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
trowel — I. noun Etymology: Middle English truel, from Anglo French, from Late Latin truella, from Latin trulla ladle Date: 13th century any of various hand tools used to apply, spread, shape, or smooth loose or plastic material; also a scoop shaped or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
L. Frank Baum — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Baum. L. Frank Baum Lyman Frank Baum (15 mai 1856 – 6 mai … Wikipédia en Français
Lyman Frank Baum — L. Frank Baum fotografiado a mediados de 1901. Nacimiento 15 de mayo de 1856 Chittenango, Nueva York … Wikipedia Español
trowel — troweler; esp. Brit., troweller, n. /trow euhl/, n., v., troweled, troweling or (esp. Brit.) trowelled, trowelling. n. 1. any of various tools having a flat blade with a handle, used for depositing and working mortar, plaster, etc. 2. a similar… … Universalium
turlutte — [ tyrlyt ] n. f. • 1878; o. i. ♦ Techn. Engin de pêche, constitué par une tige de plomb armée d hameçons disposés en couronne. ● turlutte ou turlotte nom féminin Sorte de grappin pour attraper le poisson et certains céphalopodes. I. ⇒TURLUTTE1,… … Encyclopédie Universelle