- Triptolemus
ī m.Триптолем, родом из Элевсина, любимец Цереры, создатель земледелия, впоследствии — судья в подземном царстве Vr, rhH., C, StTriptolĕmo fruges dare погов. O — морю воды прибавлять
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
TRIPTOLEMUS — Eleusii, ut Hygino, Fab. 147. placet, aut, ut Pausan. l. 1. mavult, Celei Eleusini Regis et Mehalinae fil. qui primus in Graecia agriculturae rationem creditur invenisse. In infantia divinô lacte a Cerere nutritus; Alatis serpentibus dein… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Triptolemus — Buzyges redirects here. For the genus of grass skipper butterflies, see Buzyges (butterfly).Triptolemus ( threefold warrior ; also Buzyges), in Greek mythology always connected with Demeter of the Eleusinian Mysteries, might be accounted the son… … Wikipedia
Triptolemus — Triptolemos und Demeter auf einer rotfigurigen Vase Triptolemos war in der griechischen Mythologie der Sohn des Keleos von Eleusis und der Metaneira. Verbreiter des Ackerbaues und der Kultur überhaupt, Heros der Eleusinischen Mysterien. Der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Triptolemus — /trip tol euh meuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a favorite of Demeter and the inventor of the plow and patron of agriculture, connected with the Eleusinian mysteries. Also, Triptolemos. * * * … Universalium
TRIPTOLEMUS — in the Greek mythology the favourite of DEMETER (q.v.), the inventor of the plough, and of the civilisation therewith connected; played a prominent part in the Eleusinian Mysteries; was favoured by Demeter for the hospitality he showed her… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Triptolemus — /trɪpˈtɒləməs/ (say trip toluhmuhs) noun Greek Legend a favourite of Demeter; the inventor of the plough and patron of agriculture, and connected with the Eleusinian mysteries. Also, Triptolemos …
Triptolemus — /trip tol euh meuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a favorite of Demeter and the inventor of the plow and patron of agriculture, connected with the Eleusinian mysteries. Also, Triptolemos … Useful english dictionary
Hemeroplanes triptolemus — Taxobox name = Hemeroplanes triptolemus image width = 250px image caption = Hemeroplanes triptolemus , adult regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Lepidoptera familia = Sphingidae genus = Hemeroplanes species = H.… … Wikipedia
ТРИПТОЛЕМ — • Triptolĕmus, см. Demeter, Деметра, 3 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Demeter — For other meanings, see Demeter (disambiguation). Demeter Goddess of the Earth, Agriculture, Harvest, and Forests Abode Mount Olympus … Wikipedia
Eleusinian Mysteries — Topics in Greek mythology Gods Primordial gods and Titans Zeus and the Olympians Pan and the nymphs Apollo and Dionysus Sea gods and Earth gods Heroes Heracles and his Labors Achilles and the Trojan War … Wikipedia