- tripalis
tri-pālis, e [ palus 1. \]подпираемый тремя сваями (vinea Vr)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
tripalis — tripãlis, ė adj. (2) Alk, trìpalis (1) Vlkv, Lzd 1. kuris iš trijų palų: Kasdienai nešioju trìpalį, o šventai dienai turiu šešiapalį Smn. Gaspadinaitės sijonas šešių palų, o slūginaitės – trìpalis Gs. Dabar madoj tripaliai sijonai Nmj.… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
TRAVAIL — ON en a fait maintes fois la remarque: l’apparition du mot «travail» est relativement récente. Cela ne signifie certes pas que la réalité désignée par ce mot le soit également, ni qu’il existât jamais de sociétés se livrant à la complète oisiveté … Encyclopédie Universelle
travail — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from travailler to torment, labor, journey, from Vulgar Latin *trepaliare to torture, from Late Latin trepalium instrument of torture, from Latin tripalis having three stakes, from tri + palus … New Collegiate Dictionary
List of plants of Caatinga vegetation of Brazil — This is a list of plants found in the wild in Caatinga vegetation of Brazil. Additions are currently being made to this list.See also: * List of plants of Amazon Rainforest vegetation of Brazil * List of plants of Atlantic Forest vegetation of… … Wikipedia
travaglio — {{hw}}{{travaglio}}{{/hw}}s. m. 1 (lett.) Lavoro duro, faticoso. 2 Angoscia, dolore, pena: il travaglio del dubbio. 3 Sofferenza fisica: travaglio di stomaco | Travaglio di parto, (ellitt.) travaglio, complesso dei fenomeni che accompagnano l… … Enciclopedia di italiano
travail — (n.) labor, toil, mid 13c., from O.Fr. travail suffering or painful effort, trouble (12c.), from travailler to toil, labor, originally to trouble, torture, from V.L. *tripaliare to torture, from *tripalium (in L.L. trepalium) instrument of… … Etymology dictionary
trabalhar — v. tr. 1. Dar determinada forma a (ex.: trabalhar a madeira). = LAVRAR 2. Fazer ou preparar algo para determinado fim (ex.: trabalhar a terra). 3. Rever ou refazer com cuidado (ex.: trabalhar o texto). = APERFEIÇOAR, LIMAR 4. Treinar ou exercitar … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
pala — 1 palà sf. (4), (2) 1. Dv medžiagos, audeklo gabalas, skepeta: Duokš pãlą, suvyniosiu stiklines! Dkš. Paimk pãlą ir uždenk duoną, ba musios sudergs Lp. Eidama pirtin pasiimu pãlą galvai apsrištie Dglš. Nuog galvos pãlą nuėmiau Arm. Nors… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
trubica — ×trùbica (brus. тpыгyбiцa) sf. (1) NdŽ, Sd, Rdd, Lš, Švn, Klvr; J toks tripalis tinklas: Einam su trùbica gaudyt žuvų Dg. Šiąnakt pilna Dusia trùbicų pristatyta Smn. Trùbicos akes didesnės DrskŽ … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
užvedinis — ùžvedinis sm. (1) Bržr, užvedinỹs (34b) Žeml toks tripalis tinklas … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
travail — [trə vāl′, trav′āl΄] n. [OFr < VL * tripalium, instrument of torture composed of three stakes < LL tripalis, of three stakes < L tri , TRI + palus, a stake: see PALE2] 1. very hard work; toil 2. labor pains; pains of childbirth 3.… … English World dictionary