- trimetrus
I (-os), a, um (греч.)
трёхстопный (versus Q)II trimetrus (-os), ī m.триметр, ямбический стих из трёх двойных стоп H
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
trimètre — [ trimɛtr ] n. m. • 1556 adj.; lat. d o. gr. trimetrus → mètre (I) 1 ♦ Métr. anc. Vers composé de trois mètres. Trimètre iambique : vers des parties parlées de la tragédie grecque. 2 ♦ Métr. fr. Alexandrin ternaire. ● trimètre nom masculin ( … Encyclopédie Universelle
trimetru — TRIMÉTRU, trimetre, s.n. (lit.) Vers antic compus din trei perechi de picioare iambice. – Din fr. trimètre, lat. trimetrus. Trimis de LauraGellner, 01.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 trimétru s. n., pl. trimétre Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa … Dicționar Român
trímetro — ► adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino POESÍA Se aplica al verso compuesto de tres pies o al compuesto de tres dipodias. * * * trímetro (del lat. «trimĕtrus») adj. y n. m. V. «verso trímetro». * * * trímetro. (Del lat. trimĕtrus). m. verso trímetro … Enciclopedia Universal
Trimeter — Trim e*ter, a. [L. trimetrus, Gr. ?; ? (see {Tri }) + {?} measure. See {Meter} measure.] (Pros.) Consisting of three poetical measures. n. A poetical division of verse, consisting of three measures. Lowth. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
trimeter — noun Etymology: Latin trimetrus, from Greek trimetros having three measures, from tri + metron measure more at measure Date: 1540 a line of verse consisting of three dipodies or three metrical feet … New Collegiate Dictionary
trimeter — /trim i teuhr/, Pros. n. 1. a verse of three measures or feet. adj. 2. consisting of three measures or feet. 3. Class. Pros. composed of six feet or three dipodies. [1560 70; < L trimetrus having three measures < Gk trímetros. See TRI , METER2] * … Universalium
trimeter — a verse of three metrical feet, 1560s, from L. trimetrus, from Gk. trimetros having three measures, from tri three + metron a measure (see METER (Cf. meter) (n.2)) … Etymology dictionary
trimetar — trìmetar m <G tra, N mn tri> DEFINICIJA knjiž. stih od tri metra, tj. od šest stopa [jampski trimetar] ETIMOLOGIJA lat. trimetrus ← grč. trímetros ≃ tri + metar … Hrvatski jezični portal
trimeter — trim•e•ter [[t]ˈtrɪm ɪ tər[/t]] n. 1) pro a verse of three measures or feet 2) pro consisting of three measures or feet • Etymology: 1560–70; < L trimetrus having three measures < Gk trímetros. See tri , meter II … From formal English to slang
trimeter — /ˈtrɪmətə/ (say trimuhtuh) noun 1. a verse of three measures or feet. –adjective 2. consisting of three measures or feet. 3. Classical Prosody composed of six feet or three dipodies. {Latin trimetrus having three measures, from Greek trimetros} …
trímetro — (Del lat. trimĕtrus). m. verso trímetro … Diccionario de la lengua española