- transmigratio
trāns-migrātio, ōnis f.переселение, выселение Vlg, Eccl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
transmigration — [ trɑ̃smigrasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1519; « migration » v. 1190; lat. transmigratio ♦ Relig. Passage (d une âme) d un corps dans un autre. Croyance dans la transmigration successive des âmes. ⇒ métempsycose. « Enfin, Tsing Chüng ayant complété ses… … Encyclopédie Universelle
transmigraţie — TRANSMIGRÁŢIE, transmigraţii, s.f. Concepţie religioasă potrivit căreia sufletul dintr un corp trece, după moarte, în alt corp. – Din fr. transmigration, lat. transmigratio. Trimis de ionel bufu, 28.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 transmigráţie s. f.… … Dicționar Român
Sepharad — is a Biblical placename of uncertain location. Persian inscriptions refer to two places called Saparda , one in Media and the other in Asia Minor: the latter may be Sardes. It is only mentioned once in the Bible, in the Book of Obadiah. After the … Wikipedia
Transmigration — Trans mi*gra tion, n. [F. transmigration, L. transmigratio.] 1. The act of passing from one country to another; migration. [1913 Webster] 2. The passing of the soul at death into another mortal body; metempsychosis. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
transmigration — /trans muy gray sheuhn, tranz /, n. 1. the act of transmigrating. 2. the passage of a soul after death into another body; metempsychosis. Cf. reincarnation. [1250 1300; ME transmigracion < LL transmigration (s. of transmigratio) removal. See… … Universalium
transmigración — ► sustantivo femenino 1 Acción y resultado de transmigrar. TAMBIÉN trasmigración 2 RELIGIÓN Paso del alma de un muerto a otro cuerpo humano, animal o vegetal, según la doctrina de la metempsicosis. SINÓNIMO reencarnación * * * transmigración (var … Enciclopedia Universal
Seelenwanderung — See|len|wan|de|rung 〈f. 20; unz.〉 nach der Lehre verschiedener Religionen die Wiederverkörperung der Seele nach dem leibl. Tod in anderer Gestalt (Mensch, Tier, Pflanze) in einem neuen Leben; Sy Metempsychose * * * See|len|wan|de|rung, die (bes.… … Universal-Lexikon
HISPANIOLA — quae et S. Dominici Ins. a primaria civ. Gallis, Anglis et Batavis, vulgo S. Domingue, vocatur, Ayti incolis, Ins. perampla maris Occid. totius occidui orbis antiquissima: quo nomine tota America Sept. in qua est, aliquando venit: Cancri Tropicum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
HISTORIA — quae ad memoriam refertur, sicut Poesis ad phantasiam et Philosophia ad rationem, Cadmi inventum perhibetur Plin. l. 6. c. 56. estqueve vel Naturalis, vel Civilis. Illa naturae res gestas et facinora commemotans, pro triplici eius statu, prout… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
JOGLI — pater Bocci, Principis tribûs Dan. Num. c. 34. v. 22. Lat. revelatio, sive transmigratio, aut revolutio, vel exsultatio … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
trasmigrazione — /trazmigra tsjone/ s.f. [dal lat. tardo transmigratio onis ]. 1. [spostamento in massa di persone o animali] ▶◀ emigrazione, esodo, migrazione. ⇑ trasferimento. 2. (relig.) [passaggio dell anima da un corpo all altro] ▶◀ metempsicosi,… … Enciclopedia Italiana