- Aborigines
Aborīginēs, um m.1) коренные жители, аборигены PM2) аборигены (предки латинян, населявшие среднюю Италию до вторжения троянцев) Cato, C, Sl, L
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
ABORIGINES — Italiae populi qui in Siculotum agros successerunt, Nomen eorum unde originem coeperit, ostendere voluit Festus Pompeius his verbis: Aborigines appellati sunt, quod errantes convenerint in agrum, qui nunc est populi Romani; fuit enim gens… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aborigines — Ab o*rig i*nes ( r[i^]j [i^]*n[=e]z), n. pl. [L. Aborigines; ab + origo, especially the first inhabitants of Latium, those who originally (ab origine) inhabited Latium or Italy. See {Origin}.] 1. The earliest known inhabitants of a country;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Aborigines — [æbə rɪdʒɪni:z, englisch, zu lateinisch Aborigines, Aboriginer], Aboriginals [æbə rɪdʒɪnlz] Plural, die Ureinwohner, besonders in Australien (Schwarzaustralier; Australier) … Universal-Lexikon
Aborigĭnes — (lat.), 1) überhaupt so v.w. Urbewohner eines Landes, im Gegensatz der Eingewanderten; bes. 2) eins der ältesten Völker Mittelitaliens, s. Italien (Gesch.) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Aborigines — er et fremmedord for indfødte eller urbeboere … Danske encyklopædi
aborigines — This Latinate word, specifically applied since the 16c to the inhabitants of a country ab origine (from the beginning) has largely given way to aboriginals in the plural. For the singular, the etymologically indefensible form Aborigine has become … Modern English usage
Aborigines — Flagge der Aborigines Die Aborigines (englisch [ˌæbəˈɹɪdʒɪniːz], „Ureinwohner“) sind die Ureinwohner Australiens. Sie besiedelten vor etwa 40.000 bis 50.000 Jahren den Kontinent. Aborigines sind kein einheitliches Volk, sondern bestehen au … Deutsch Wikipedia
Aborigines — Australia ’s indigenous peoples, thought to have first migrated to the continent 50,000 years ago. Before the arrival of Europeans in 1788, Aborigines arranged themselves into approximately 500 language and territorial groupings later dubbed… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
Aborigines' Rights Protection Society — (ARPS) was an association critical of colonial rule, formed in 1897 in the Gold Coast, as Ghana was known.Originally formed by traditional leaders and the educated elite to protest the Crown Lands Bill of 1896 and the Lands Bill of 1897 that… … Wikipedia
Aborigines in White Australia — is a book by Sharman Stone. It is a documentary history of the changing attitudes of white Australians towards the indigenous peoples of Australia and covers the period from convict settlement (1697) to 1973. The documents are drawn from… … Wikipedia
Aborigines-Missionsstation — Behausung der Aborigines auf der Cape Bedford Mission in den 1920er Jahren Aborigines Missionsstationen wurden in allen Kolonien und Bundesländern von Australien aufgebaut. Ziel der Missionsstationen war es, Aborigines zu christianisieren. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia