- Tithonia
Tīthōnia, ae и Tīthōnis, idis f.Тифония, т. е. Аврора (жена Тифона) O, St
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Tithonia — diversifolia Systematik Euasteriden II Ordnung: Aster … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tithonĭa — (T. Dest.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie Compositae Senecionideae, 19. Kl. 3. Ordn. L.; Art: T. tagetiflora, u. m. in Mexico … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Tithonia — TITHONIA, æ, ein Beynamen der Aurora, welchen sie vom Tithon hat. Valer. Flacc. l. I. v. 311 … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Tithonia — [nach Tithonos], Tithoni|e, Gattung der Korbblütler mit etwa zehn Arten in Mittelamerika; bis 3 m hohe Kräuter mit gelben Blütenkörbchen; in Deutschland als einjährige Zierpflanzen in Kultur … Universal-Lexikon
Tithonia — Tithonia … Wikipedia Español
Tithonia — Taxobox name = Tithonia image width = 240px image caption = Tithonia diversifolia regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Asterales familia = Asteraceae genus = Tithonia genus authority = Desf. ex Juss. Tithonia is … Wikipedia
tithonia — noun any plant of the genus Tithonia; tall coarse herbs or shrubs of Mexico to Panama having large flower heads resembling sunflowers with yellow disc florets and golden yellow to orange scarlet rays • Syn: ↑Mexican sunflower • Hypernyms: ↑flower … Useful english dictionary
tithonia — noun Etymology: New Latin, probably from Latin Tithonia, poetic name of Aurora Date: 1940 any of a genus (Tithonia) of tall composite herbs or shrubs of Mexico and Central America that have flower heads resembling sunflowers and that are… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tithonia — ID 84437 Symbol Key TITHO Common Name tithonia Family Asteraceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity N/A US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution AZ, FL, HI, LA, PR, VI Growth Habit N/A … USDA Plant Characteristics
tithonia — /ti thoh nee euh, thohn yeuh/, n. any of several tall composite plants of the genus Tithonia, native to Mexico and Central America, having yellow or orange red ray flowers. Also called Mexican sunflower. [1935 40; < NL, equiv. to L Tithon(us)… … Universalium
tithonia — ti•tho•ni•a [[t]tɪˈθoʊ ni ə, ˈθoʊn yə[/t]] n. pl. ni•as pln any tall composite plant of the genus Tithonia, native to Mexico and Central America, having yellow or orange red ray flowers • Etymology: 1935–40; < NL, = L Tīthōn(us) husband of… … From formal English to slang