- Ticida(s)
Ticidā(s), ae m.Тицид1) Aulus T., римск. поэт-лирик, современник Катулла O2) Lucius T., сторонник Цезаря в Африканской войне bAfr
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
TICIDA — poeta quidam, qui epigrammata scripsit tempore Valer. Catulli. Amavit Metellam, quam fictô nomine Perillaem vocavit. Ovid. Trist. l. 2. v. 433. Quid referam Ticidae, quid Memmi carmen? apud quem Nomen adest rebus, nominibusque pudor … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Caecilia Metella — was the name of all women in the Caecilii Metelli family, since feminine names were taken from the father s gens and cognomen declined in the female form.The written sources of Roman history cite at least four women called Caecilia Metella. The… … Wikipedia
Römische Literatur — Römische Literatur. Erste Periode. Die Römer waren ursprünglich ein ackerbauendes Volk u. als solches von gesunder u. kräftiger Natur, streng sittlich u. ernst im Leben, fleißig u. ordnungsliebend im Hause, durch ihre politische Lage genöthigt… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Cato, Publius Valerius — ▪ Roman poet teacher, scholar, and poet associated, like Catullus (Catullus, Gaius Valerius), with the Neoteric (neōteros), or New Poets, movement. Valerius Cato went to Rome from Cisalpine Gaul (present day northern Italy, especially … Universalium
CATO Val. — Val. CATO Grammatieus, qui Romae multos et nobiles docuit tempore Syllae, cuius famam hi versus indicant; Cato Grammaticus Latina Siren, Qui solus legit, ac facit Poetas. Scripsit, praeter Grammaticos libellos, etiam poemata, ex quibus praecipue… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale