
adis f. (греч.)
тиада, вакханка V, H, O

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Thyias" в других словарях:

  • Makedon (mythology) — For the Greek municipality see Makednos (municipality). Makedon, also Macedon or Makednos (Greek: Μακεδών), was the eponymous mythological ancestor of the ancient Macedonians according to various ancient Greek fragmentary narratives. In most… …   Wikipedia

  • thyade — [ tjad ] n. f. • 1546; lat. thyas, thyadis, gr. thuias ♦ Myth. gr. Bacchante. ⇒THYADE, subst. fém. ANTIQ. GR. À Athènes et à Delphes, femme qui célébrait le culte de Dionysos. Les Bacchantes, les Thyades et les Ménades, ceintes de la nébride… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • MIMALLONES — mulieres Liberi Patris orgia celebrantes Straboni, quae et Thyades dicuntur. et Maenades, et Bacthae. Dictae putantur, a Mimante, Ioniae monte Baccho sacro, vel, ut quidam nugantur, ἀπὸ τοῦ μιμεῖςθαι, eo quôd thyrsos et cornua ferentes, Indicam… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • tiade — / tiade/ s.f. [dal lat. Thyas ădis, gr. Thyás e più esattamente Thyïás ádos, der. di thýō infuriare ]. (mitol.) [nell antica Grecia, donna che danzava sfrenatamente durante i riti orgiastici in onore di Dioniso] ▶◀ baccante, bassaride, menade …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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