
Thestoridēs, ae m.
сын Тестора, т. е. прорицатель Калхант O, St

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Thestorides" в других словарях:

  • THESTORIDES — Ludimagister, sibi datam ad Homero (quem hospitiô exceperat) ἐλάττονα, i. e. Minorem, Iliadem pro sua venditavit, teste Herodotô in Vita Homeri: inter Cyclicos Sctiptores recesitus. Vide Salmas. ad Solin. p. 853. et surpa, vib de Cyclos Epico,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Thestorides of Phocaea — was a legendary or semi legendary early Greek poet, one of those to whom the epic Little Iliad was ascribed.Thestorides figures as a major character in the fictional Life of Homer fraudulently ascribed to Herodotus. According to this, when Homer… …   Wikipedia

  • Life of Homer (Pseudo-Herodotus) — The Life of Homer mdash; its unknown author is referred to as Pseudo Herodotus mdash; is one among several ancient biographies of the Greek epic poet, Homer. It is distinguished from the others by the fact that it contains, in its first lines,… …   Wikipedia

  • Cyclic Poets — is a shorthand term for the early Greek epic poets, approximate contemporaries of Homer. We know no more about these poets than we know about Homer, but modern scholars regard them as having composed orally, as did Homer. In the classical period …   Wikipedia

  • Ancient accounts of Homer — The ancient accounts of Homer include many passages in archaic and classical Greek poets and prose authors that mention or allude to Homer, and ten biographies of Homer, often referred to as Lives .Date of HomerEstablishing an accurate date for… …   Wikipedia

  • Phocais — The Phocais was an ancient Greek epic widely attributed to Homer. In the Life of Homer , a biography of Homer falsely attributed to Herodotus, it was said to have been written while Homer lived at Phocaea with a man named Thestorides; however,… …   Wikipedia

  • THESTOR — Idmonis et Laothoes fil. pater Calchantis, qui ab es Thestorides vocatur. Ovid. l. 12. Met. v. 19. Veri providus augur Thestorides. Statius, l. 1. Achil. v. 496. O nimium Phoebi, tripodumque oblite tuorum Thesioride …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Little Iliad — The Little Iliad (Greek: polytonic|Ἰλιὰς μικρά, Ilias mikra ; Latin: Ilias parva ) is a lost epic of ancient Greek literature. It was one of the Epic Cycle, that is, the Trojan cycle, which told the entire history of the Trojan War in epic verse …   Wikipedia

  • List of Ancient Greek poets — This Assortment of Ancient Greek poets covers poets writing in the Ancient Greek language, regardless of location or nationality of the poet. For a list of modern day Greek poets, see List of Greek poets. Contents: Top · 0–9 A B C D E F G H… …   Wikipedia

  • Rediscovering Homer — is a 2006 book by Andrew Dalby. It sets out the problems of origin, dating and authorship of the two ancient Greek epics, Iliad and Odyssey , usually attributed to Homer. Rediscovering Homer originated as a development and expansion of two… …   Wikipedia

  • Calcas — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Kalkhas Thestórides, Calcas o Calcante (‘bronceado’) fue un poderoso adivino y profeta de la mitología griega, uno de los más célebres. Actuó como augur en la guerra de Troya. Era natural de Megara o de Micenas, hijo …   Wikipedia Español

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