Thermopylae — (pronEng|θɚˈmɒpəli) (Ancient and Katharevousa Greek Polytonic|Θερμοπύλαι, Demotic Θερμοπύλες: hot gateway ) is a location in Greece where a narrow coastal passage existed in antiquity. It derives its name from several natural hot water… … Wikipedia
Thermopylae — chromolithograph Die Thermopylae 186 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Thermopylae — • A titular see and suffragan of Athens in Achaia Prima Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Thermopylae Thermopylae † … Catholic encyclopedia
THERMOPYLAE — angustiae montis Oetae in Thessalia, in Phthiotide regione apud sinum Oetaeum, seu Maliacum, ubi ex Phthiotide in Phocidem transitus est, 25. tantum pedum spatiô, varie indigitatae. Scelos Io. Lydo: Terremotto Bonacciolo; Bocca di lupo Nardo,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Thermopylae — from Gk. thermos hot (see THERMAL (Cf. thermal)) + pylai, plural of pyle gate (see PYLON (Cf. pylon)). In reference to nearby hot sulfur springs … Etymology dictionary
Thermopylae — [thər mäp′ə lē΄] in ancient Greece, a mountain pass in Locris, near an inlet of the Aegean Sea: scene of a battle (480 B.C. ) in which the Persians under Xerxes destroyed a Spartan army under Leonidas … English World dictionary
Thermopylae — /theuhr mop euh lee /, n. a pass in E Greece, between the cliffs of Mt. Oeta and the Gulf of Lamia: Persian defeat of the Spartans 480 B.C. * * * ▪ mountain pass, Greece Modern Greek Thermopílai, narrow pass on the east coast of central… … Universalium
Thermopylae — Narrow pass that provides access from northern Greece into central Greece and the Peloponnesos (qq.v.). It is best known for its famous defense against Xerxes in 480 B.C. In the Byzantine period, Justinian I (q.v.) provided it with a garrison… … Historical dictionary of Byzantium
Thermopylae — noun A narrow pass on the East central coast of Greece adjacent to the Maliakos Gulf, northwest of Athens. Its name is derived from its hot sulphur springs. It was the site of the Battle of Thermopylae, at which the Spartan King Leonidas stood… … Wiktionary
Thermopylae — noun a famous battle in 480 BC; a Greek army under Leonidas was annihilated by the Persians who were trying to conquer Greece • Syn: ↑battle of Thermopylae • Regions: ↑Greece, ↑Hellenic Republic, ↑Ellas • Instance Hypernyms: ↑pitch … Useful english dictionary
Thermopylae (clipper) — Thermopylae was an extreme composite clipper ship built in 1868 by Walter Hood Co of Aberdeen to the design of Bernard Weymouth of London for the White Star Line of Aberdeen.She measured 212 0 ×36 0 ×20 9 and tonnage 991 GRT, 948 NRT and 927 tons … Wikipedia