
ī m.
Теопомп, греч. историк, родом из Хиоса (ок. 330 г. до н. э.), ученик Исократа C, Nep

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Theopompus" в других словарях:

  • Theopompus — Theopompus, a Greek historian [ A man who wrote slander, not history was the judgement of Robin Lane Fox (Fox, Alexander the Great 1973:49 and 57.] and rhetorician, was born on Chios about 380 BC.In early youth he seems to have spent some time at …   Wikipedia

  • Theopompus — Theopompus, griech. Geschichtschreiber, geb. um 380 v. Chr. auf Chios; die Bruchstücke seiner »Hellenika« (Fortsetzung des Geschichtswerks des Thucydides, 411 – 394 v. Chr.) und »Philippika« (Geschichte aller griech. Staaten 360 336 v. Chr.) in… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • THEOPOMPUS — I. THEOPOMPUS Atheniensis Comicus, cuius Pollux, Athenaeus, Laertius, Harpocration, et alii veterum meminerunt. II. THEOPOMPUS Atheniensis, ex iis ducibus, qui CCCCXX. viris, noctu clam in urbem introductis, populum dominatu Demetrii et praesidiô …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Theopompus, S. — S. Theopompus (3. Jan.), Bischof und Martyrer zu Nicomedia. S. S. Theopemptus …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Theopompus (king of Sparta) — Theopompus was a Eurypontid king of Sparta. He is believed to have reigned during the late 8th and early 7th century BC.Theopompus was the son and successor to Nicander.The major event of his reign was the First Messenian War, which resulted in… …   Wikipedia

  • THEOPOMPUS Chius — Orator et Historicus, inter Isocratis discipulos familiam ducebat. Vixit sub Artaxerxe Ocho, et Philippo Macedone. Scripsit Orationes, Epistolas, Historias saepe priscis laudatas. Huic Aristaeus. l. de LXX. Interpretib. et Iosephus, l. 15. Iud.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • THEOPOMPUS Cnidius — Orator et Historicus post Herodotum et Thucydidem, quibus ut in historia minor, ita oratori magis similis, ut qui antequam esset ad hoc opus sollicitatus, diu fuerit orator: Iul. Caesari gratus, Strabo, l. 14. Quintilian. l. 9. c. 4. Voss. de… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • THEOPOMPUS Colophonius — ἐποποιὸς, cuius librum, nomine ἁρμάτιον citat Athen. l. 4 …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Theopompus of Chios — ▪ Greek historian born 378/377 BC, Chios, Ionia [Greece] died c. 320 BC, Alexandria, Egypt       Greek historian and rhetorician whose Philippica, though lost in its original form, has survived through the work of later writers to form one… …   Universalium

  • THEOPOMPUS —    A fourth century BC Greek historian who is recorded as a source of some of the licentious views of Etruscan women and who provided a contrasting identity to Greek practices …   Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans

  • ФЕОПОМП —    • Theopompus,          Θεόπομπος,        1. царь спартанский, при котором началась 1 я Мессенская война (743 724 гг. до Р. X.), им же оконченная. Paus. 3, 3, 2. Ему приписывают учреждение должности эфоров. Aristot. polit. 5, 9. Cic. legg. 3, 7 …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

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