- Theodectes
Theodectēs, is и ī m.Теодект, греч. ритор и трагический поэт, ученик Исократа и Аристотеля (ок. 370 г. до н. э.) C, O etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Theodectes — (c. 380 to 340 BCE) was a Greek rhetorician and tragic poet, of Phaselis in Lycia who lived in the period which followed the Peloponnesian War. Along with the continual decay of political and religious life, tragedy sank more and more into mere… … Wikipedia
THEODECTES — orator, Cilix genere, Olymp. 103. discipulus Platonis, Isocratis et Aristotelis, qui ei suos de Rehethorica libros dedicavit: ab Artemisia, ut Mausolum pto funere laudaret, adhibitus est: Conversus deinde ad Tragoedias, scripsit fabulas L.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ФЕОДЕКТ — • Theodectes, Θεοδέκτης, 1. ликиец из Фаселиды, ученик Исократа, Платона и Аристотеля, жил в начале 4 в. до Р. X. Сначала он посвятил себя изучению греческой риторики, потом трагической поэзии и получил награду в состязании,… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Lost work — A lost work is a document or literary work produced some time in the past of which no surviving copies are known to exist. Works may be lost to history either through the destruction of the original manuscript, or through the non survival of any… … Wikipedia
List of ancient Greeks — This an alphabetical list of ancient Greeks. These include ethnic Greeks and Greek language speakers from Greece and the Mediterranean world up to about 200 AD. compactTOCRelated articles NOTOC A*Acacius of Caesarea bishop of Caesarea… … Wikipedia
Aphareus (writer) — Aphareus (4th century BC) was an ancient Greek tragedian and orator. He attended the school of Isocrates, along with Theodectes. He was the son of Hippias the sophist, and the adopted son of Isocrates, left behind him thirty seven tragedies, and… … Wikipedia
Phaselis — is an ancient Lycian city in the province of Antalya in Turkey. It is located between the Bey Mountains and the forests of Olympos National Park, 16 km west of the touristic town of Kemer and on the 57th kilometre of the Antalya–Kumluca highway.… … Wikipedia
List of Ancient Greek poets — This Assortment of Ancient Greek poets covers poets writing in the Ancient Greek language, regardless of location or nationality of the poet. For a list of modern day Greek poets, see List of Greek poets. Contents: Top · 0–9 A B C D E F G H… … Wikipedia
List of Greek artists — This is a list of Greek artists from the antiquity to today.Artists have been categorised according to their main artistic profession and according to the major historical period they lived in:The Ancient (until the foundation of the Byzantine… … Wikipedia
Carcinos Le Jeune — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Carcinos. Carcinos le Jeune (v 380/ 360) était le fils de Théodectès ou de Xénoclès. Il serait le petit fils de Carcinos l Ancien[1]. Il est plus que probable qu’il s’agit de celui qui a passé la plus grande… … Wikipédia en Français
Carcinos le Jeune — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Carcinos. Carcinos le Jeune est un poète tragique athénien (v. 380/360 av. J. C.). Fils de Théodectès ou de Xénoclès, il serait le petit fils de Carcinos l Ancien[1]. Il est plus que probable qu’il s’agit de… … Wikipédia en Français