- Themiscyra
ae f. и Themiscyrium, ī n.Темискира, город в Каппадокии, на реке Термодонте, столица царства амазонок PM, Mela
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Themiscyra — • A titular see, suffragan of Amasea in the Hellespont Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Themiscyra Themiscyra † … Catholic encyclopedia
Themiscyra — may refer to: *Themiscyra (Pontus) *Themiscyra Plain *Themiscyra (mythology)ee also* Themyscira … Wikipedia
Themiscyra — ein Titularbistum der römisch katholischen Kirche in Kleinasien. Titularbischöfe von Themiscyra Nr. Name Amt von bis 1 Amand Buseck, O.S.B. Weihbischof in Fulda ( … Deutsch Wikipedia
THEMISCYRA — quae Lirio Nigro, Fanagoria, reste Pinetô (eo quôd in Phanagoriâ sit, quae apud Strab. Themiscyra dicitur, una cum fluv. qui in Irim labitur) urbs Cappadociae maritima apud ostia Iridis fluv. (a quo nunc accipit nomen vulgare) in Ponti Galatici… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Themiscyra — Themiscyra, Ebene in Pontus, zwischen den Flüssen Iris und Thermodon, der spätern Mythe nach ehemals Sitz der Amazonen; gleichnamige, längst zerstörte Stadt daselbst … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Themiscyra (Pontus) — Themiscyra or Themiskyra (Greek: polytonic|Θεμίσκυρα), was an ancient Greek town a little distance from the coast and near the mouth of the Thermodon (mod. Terme River). The town is mentioned as early as the time of Herodotus (iv. 86; comp.… … Wikipedia
Themiscyra Plain — Themiscyra (Greek: polytonic|Θεμίσκυρα), was a plain in the north of Pontus, about the mouths of the rivers Iris (mod. Yeşil) and Thermodon (mod. Terme). It was a rich and beautiful district, ever verdant, and supplying food for numberless herds… … Wikipedia
Themiscyra (mythology) — In Greek mythology, Themiscyra was the capital of the Amazons, on the river Thermodon.It is a Roman Catholic titular see. [web cite|url=http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14566b.htm|title=Themiscyra|work=Catholic Encyclopedia] ReferencesModern… … Wikipedia
Themyscira — For mythological city on which this topic is based, see Themiscyra (mythology). Themyscira A rebuilt and relocated Themyscira as seen in Wonder Woman (vol. 2) #177 (Feb 2002), art by Phil Jimenez … Wikipedia
Amazon (Amalgam Comics) — Superherobox| caption=Cover of Amazon #1 (Apr, 1996). Art by John Byrne. comic color=background:#c0c0c0 character name=Amazon real name=Ororo Prince publisher=Amalgam Comics debut= Amazon #1 (April 1996) creators=Terry Austin John Byrne alliance… … Wikipedia
Countdown to Final Crisis — Cover to Countdown #51 by Andy Kubert. Publication information Publisher DC Comics … Wikipedia